Page 364 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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342   PART III    Therapeutic Modalities for the Cancer Patient

         events from being DLTs, again if transient and clinically silent in   the response rate is higher, a second stage of enrollment continues
         nature and are prospectively defined in the study protocol. The   to establish an approximate response rate. For example, at least
                                                               9 to 14 patients with the same histology or molecular target are
         MTD is defined as the highest dose level in which no more than  one of six dogs develops a DLT. Traditionally, a fixed-dose modi-  treated to test the null hypothesis of insufficient efficacy. If no
                                                               responses are observed in this group, the study ends. If a response
         fied Fibonacci method of dose escalation is used wherein the dose
         is escalated 100%, 67%, 50%, 40%, and then 33% of the previ-  is noted in one of the cases, the accrual is increased to 31 patients
         ous dose as the dosing cohorts increase.  If the escalation incre-  to establish a more accurate response rate. If a less robust response
         ments are too conservative, more patients receive a suboptimal   rate is expected (e.g., 20%), then the initial accrual number must
         dose; conversely, if the escalations are too rapid, more patients   be increased. Sample-size effect on study power calculations will
         are at risk for significant toxicity and the accuracy of the MTD is   be outlined in a subsequent section. Some have opined that the
         compromised. Interdosing cohorts can be added during the study   leading cause of drug failure in later phase development is our
         period if more refined escalation or deescalation is found to be   overdependence on these unpredictable single-arm, uncontrolled
         necessary.                                            phase II trials and that, as such, they should be avoided to ensure
            Alternative, “accelerated titration” dose-escalation strategies   phase III trial resources are not wasted because of the results of
         have been suggested. 3–5,9,11,12  These include (1) two-stage designs   poorly designed phase II trials.  It used to be considered that
         in which initially single-patient cohorts are used and the dose is   the consequence of type I error (false positive) was less deleteri-
         increased by a factor of two until a grade II toxicity occurs; then   ous than that of type II error (false negative) because false-positive
         the second stage involves more traditional three-patient cohorts   trials are likely to be repeated, whereas false-negative trials would
         and acceleration strategies; (2) within-patient escalation in which   result in the abandonment of a potentially active treatment.
         the same patient receives a higher dose on subsequent treatments   The goals of comparative oncology modeling can help minimize
         until a DLT is observed; however, this may mask cumulative   type II error by mechanistically defining activity of novel agents
         toxicity; (3) escalations based on PK parameters, e.g., to achieve   through more detailed PK–PD studies. In today’s environment,
         a target level of drug exposure; (4) escalations based on target   however, with an abundance of novel drugs to be evaluated, false-
         modulation (if known); and (5) continual reassessment strategies   positive results are just as serious because they tie up patient and
         using Bayesian methods. 11–14  In the end, it is always a trade-off of   financial resources. With this in mind, the ideal phase II design
         risk versus benefit; however, accelerated titration designs are gen-  would  be randomized across several  potential  investigational
         erally associated with both a reduction in total patient number   drugs, blinded, and controlled; modifications of this type applied
         and a reduction in the number of patients receiving a suboptimal   to standard phase II design are discussed subsequently (controlled
         dose.                                                 phase II or phase IIB trials). 30
            Although the phase I MTD approach works well for traditional
         cytotoxic drugs, phase I trials designed to determine the BED may   Endpoints of Activity/Efficacy
         be more relevant for MTAs. 15–19  Trials evaluating the BED require   As the primary goal of phase II trials is assessment of activity/effi-
         validated assays that measure an effect on the target in serial tumor   cacy, endpoints used to evaluate response are critical to the design.
         samples and/or a surrogate tissue or fluid that documents activ-  Median survival time is the ultimate “gold standard” primary
         ity at the molecular level. Examples of early incorporation of PD   endpoint that may be objectively measured to determine whether
         markers in tumor and surrogate tissue (peripheral blood) include   a drug is beneficial; however, this endpoint requires too great a
         canine phase I trials of the KIT kinase inhibitor toceranib,  the   length of time for early phase trials to be meaningful and can be
         Btk inhibitor ibrutinib,  the histone deacetylase inhibitor sodium   affected in veterinary patients by decisions to euthanize or seek
         valproate,  and the putative autophagy modulator hydroxychlo-  alternative or rescue therapies. Therefore most early phase trials
         roquine.  Such PD modulation studies are increasingly impor-  utilize interim or secondary endpoints that are reasonably likely
         tant endpoints of phase I and II designs and are now commonly   to predict clinical benefit. These surrogate endpoints may allow
         required as proof of mechanism for drug approval.     for shorter, less expensive, and technically simpler trials, which
                                                               allow for early termination if an interim outcome reaches a pre-
         Phase II Trials (Activity/Efficacy Trials)            specified positive or negative level. It is important that the validity
                                                               of the surrogate outcome actually correlates with lower mortality
         Several good reviews have outlined phase II trial designs. 4,24–27    (or improved QOL)—this is often validated in larger later phase
         The primary goal of phase II trials is, using the MTD or BED   trials. With traditional cytotoxic chemotherapeutics, response is
         established in phase I, to identify the clinical or biologic activity   assessed based on criteria that describe changes in size or volume
         in defined patient populations (e.g., tumors with a particular his-  according to several published methodologies (e.g., Response
         tology or particular molecular target) and inform the decision to   Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors [RECIST],  World Health
         embark on a larger pivotal phase III trial. The traditional phase II   Organization [WHO]). 31–33  Veterinary consensus modifications
         design (phase IIA) is a single-arm, open-label activity assessment   of RECIST have been published.  It is readily evident that such
         of a novel drug or therapeutic modality that lacks a control group   criteria may not be appropriate for MTAs that are more likely to
         or uses historical controls, which are prone to bias (selection, pop-  be cytostatic rather than cytotoxic, thus resulting in disease stabi-
         ulation drift, and stage migration bias). The number of patients to   lization rather than measurable regression. 35,36  In such cases, it is
         be enrolled is variable depending on the “minimal useful response   critical that a designation of “stable disease” persist for a clinically
         rate” and the rate of spontaneous regression (usually <5%). Mul-  relevant period of time, generally not less than 6 to 8 weeks, to
         tiple references discuss the statistical underpinnings of these power   avoid reflection of slow progression rather than a true treatment
         calculations, and there are several online resources for performing   effect. Alternatively, temporal measures such as progression-free
         them. Often, “two-stage min-max” designs are employed where   survival (PFS) or time to progression (TTP) may be appropriate
         enrollment is halted if the response rate falls below a predeter-  endpoints; however, these often take too long to mature for timely
         mined minimum level in an initial, small group of patients.  If   phase II trials.  Alternatively, an adequate compromise could be
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