Page 368 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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346   PART III    Therapeutic Modalities for the Cancer Patient

         Veterinary Contract Research Organizations            That being said, adaptations based on blinded analyses at interim,
         Contract research organizations (CROs) are generally privately   if the blinding is strictly maintained, can largely reduce or com-
                                                               pletely avoid bias.
         organized and run specialty networks of veterinary hospitals that  design, conduct, and report clinical studies for the animal health   Stopping Rules
         industry. Examples include Animal Clinical Investigation (ACI;, The One Health Company (www.theon-  Stopping rules, which are rules that terminate a clinical trial ear-, and  VetPharm (  lier than originally projected or within a predetermined adap-
         Although oncology drug development is within their portfolios,   tive trial design, can be applied to randomized phase II or phase
         other medical conditions, including inflammatory and metabolic   III trials. Several methods and variations  have been extensively
         disease, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis, are also managed.   reviewed. 75–77  Stopping rules are designed to protect treatment
         CROs provide multisite, pivotal, or nonpivotal studies and com-  subjects from unsafe drugs, to hasten the general availability of
         mercialization  support to help define effective novel veterinary   superior drugs as soon as sufficient evidence has been collected,
         therapeutics.                                         and to help ensure the transfer of resources and patients to alterna-
                                                               tive trials. Trials are stopped for three reasons: the investigational
         Current Challenges and Opportunities in               treatment is clearly better than the control, the investigational
         Oncology Drug Development                             treatment is clearly worse than the control (less activity or more
                                                               toxicity), or the investigational therapy is not likely to be better
         Oncology drug development is a difficult and costly process. It is   (so-called “stopping for futility” or “futility analysis”). The meth-
         estimated that only 5% to 10% of drugs entering phase I oncology   ods by which stopping rules are applied usually involve some type
         clinical trials ultimately are approved by the FDA, with a cost of   of interim analysis that evaluates the data (by a blinded individual
         between 0.8 and 1.7 billion dollars per drug accrued through the   or DSMB) generated to date and makes a determination based on
         development process. 55,69  The most prevalent cause of cancer drug   predetermined rules. The interim data are often analyzed for con-
         failure is toxicity or inactivity. For every 1000 oncology agents   ditional power, which is the probability of the final study result
         in development, only 40% transition from preclinical studies to   demonstrating statistical significance in the primary efficacy end-
         phase I, 75% from phase I to phase II, 60% from phase II to   point, conditional on the current data observed, and a specific
         phase III, and 55% from phase III to approval. This means that for   assumption about the pattern of the data to be observed in the
         every 1000 preclinical candidates, only 99 new drugs will reach   remainder of the study. If a study is designed a priori to involve
         the clinic.                                           conditional power calculations of interim data, the rules for early
                                                               termination are sometimes referred to as stochastic curtailing. 
         Model-Based (Adaptive) Drug Development               Bayesian (Continuous Learning) Adaptive Designs
         Adaptive Trial Designs and Stopping Rules             Adaptive trial designs can also be used to change the randomization
         Adaptive trial designs 70–74  allow investigators to modify trials while   weight to better performing treatment arms, add new treatment
         they are ongoing based on newly acquired data and, in some cases,   arms, drop poorly performing arms, or extend accrual beyond the
         taking into account data generated in other trials or past trials. In   original target when more information is needed. With the avail-
         adaptive trial designs, interim data from a trial is used to modify   ability of advanced computational techniques, a new statistical
         and improve the study design, in a preplanned manner and with-  methodology, the Bayesian approach, was developed that makes
         out undermining its validity or integrity. In the exploratory set-  statistical inferences that focus on the probability that a hypothesis
         ting, an adaptive trial can assign a larger proportion of the enrolled   is true given the available evidence.
         subjects to the treatment arms that are performing well, drop arms   In contrast, Bayesian trials differ from the frequentist approach
         that are performing poorly, and investigate a wider range of doses   to statistics by using available patient outcome information,
         so as to more effectively select doses that are most likely to succeed   including biomarkers that accumulate data related to outcome (if
         in the confirmatory phase. In the confirmatory phase, adaptive   available and validated), and even historic information or results
         design can facilitate the early identification of efficacious treat-  from other relevant trials to adapt the current trial design continu-
         ments, decisions to drop poorly performing trial arms, determin-  ally based on newly informed probabilities. 78–80  An example that
         ing whether the trial should be terminated for futility, and making   illustrates the utility of the Bayesian approach involves interim
         sample-size adjustments at interim time points to ensure that the   analysis applied to a randomized phase II trial of neoadjuvant
         trial is adequately powered. In some cases, it might even be pos-  trastuzumab, paclitaxel, and epirubicin in epidermal growth fac-
         sible to enrich the patient population by altering the eligibility cri-  tor receptor 2 (HER2/neu)–positive breast cancer.  In this trial
         teria at an interim time point. These also include biomarker-based   initially designed to enter 164 patients (based on the frequentist
         adaptive designs which enable adaptations based on the response   approach to power), a Bayesian approach was used to perform an
         of biomarkers, biomarker/target screening designs (e.g., enrich-  interim analysis after 34 patients were enrolled; 67% of patients in
         ment designs such as “basket” or “umbrella” trials). 73  the investigational treatment arm experienced complete responses
            Potential benefits of adaptive designs include  (1) they allow   compared with 25% in the standard treatment arm. The Bayes-
         the investigator to correct wrong assumptions made at the begin-  ian predictive probability of statistical significance if 164 patients
         ning of the trial; (2) they help the investigator select the most   were accrued, based on the data available from these 34 patients,
         promising option early; (3) they make use of information that   was calculated to be 95%, and the trial was stopped and the drug
         emerges outside of the trial; (4) they enable the investigator to   moved to phase III early because of these promising results. The
         react earlier to surprises (either positive or negative); and (5) they   very first Bayesian response adaptive trial involving companion
         may shorten the development time and consequently speed up the   animals was recently published.  In this trial comparing toc-
         development process. However, adaptive designs may undermine   eranib versus vinblastine therapy for canine mast cell tumors,
         validity and integrity of the trial if not managed appropriately.   patients were randomized based on the “play-the-winner” rule;
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