Page 446 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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424   PART IV    Specific Malignancies in the Small Animal Patient

         (IFN-γ), and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor   0% to 17%, 15% to 19%, and 22% to 100%. 214,226  The lungs
         (GM-CSF) followed by magnetofection before surgical resection   are the most common site of metastasis, with other sites including
                                                               regional lymph nodes, kidney, liver, spleen, intestines, and epi-
         resulted in a 1-year local recurrence rate of 24%.  In another phase  I trial by the same research group, two doses of intratumoral GM-  dural and ocular infiltration. 214,215,225,226,232  
         CSF followed by magnetofection before surgical resection resulted in
         a 1-year local recurrence rate of 50% and minimal treatment-related   Survival
         toxicities.  Other immunotherapeutic agents such as IL-12 and ace-  The overall prognosis for cats with ISSs is often very good despite
         mannan have been investigated with less favorable results. 256–258    their propensity for local tumor recurrence. The overall MST is
                                                               804 to 901 days to not reached for cats treated with wide surgical
         Prognosis                                             resection of 4-cm to 5-cm lateral margins and one to two fascial
                                                               layers for deep margins. 214,226,229  For cats treated with less aggres-
         Local Recurrence                                      sive surgery, the overall MST varies from greater than 395 days to
         Local tumor control is the most challenging aspect of managing   608 days. 224,225,262  For cats treated with surgery and RT, regardless
         cats with ISS. The best results are achieved after complete histo-  of the timing of RT, the overall MSTs range from 520 to 1307
         logic excision, and complete histologic excision is more likely after   days with 1-, 2-, and 3-year survival rates of 62% to 86%, 42% to
         aggressive surgical resection. The rate of complete histologic exci-  71%, and 28% to 68%, respectively. 213,232–236,260
         sion is less than 50% when ISSs are excised with 2- to 3-cm lateral   Prognostic factors associated with survival in cats with ISSs include
         margins, 224,225  compared with 95% to 97% when excised with   anemia, tumor size, treatment type, histologic subtype, mitotic rate,
         4- to 5-cm lateral margins. 214,226  The local tumor recurrence rate   local tumor recurrence, and metastatic disease. For cats treated with
         is 14% to 22% after complete histologic excision compared with   surgery and either preoperative or postoperative RT, anemia with
         58% to 69% after incomplete excision. 214,229,243,259  Incomplete   a packed cell volume (PCV) less than 25% was associated with
         histologic excision of ISSs is associated with a 10-fold increased   decreased ST.  The MSTs for cats with a PCV less than and greater
         risk of local tumor recurrence. 259  Overall, the 1- and 2-year dis-  than or equal to 25% were 308 days and 760 days, respectively, with
         ease-free rates are 35% and 9%, respectively, after wide resection   a 2-fold increased risk of tumor-related death for cats with a PCV less
         with 2- to 3-cm lateral margins, 224,225  compared with a 3-year   than 25%.  The 1- and 2-year survival rates for cats treated with a
         disease-free rate of 86% after wide resection with 5-cm lateral   PCV less than 25% were 40% and 24%, respectively, whereas the
         margins or compartmental resections. 214,229          1- and 2-year survival rates for cats with a PCV greater than or equal
            When surgical resection is combined with either preoperative   to 25% were 72% and 50%, respectively.  Tumor size was associ-
         or postoperative RT, the local recurrence rates are 28% to 45%   ated with prognosis in two studies of cats treated with surgery alone.
         with median DFIs of 13 to 37 months. 213,226,228,232–234,260  Simi-  Cats with STSs smaller than 2 cm in diameter had an MST of 643
         lar to surgical management of ISSs, complete histologic excision   days, which was significantly longer than the MSTs of 558 days for
         results in a significant improvement in time to local recurrence for   cats with tumors 2 to 5 cm in diameter and 394 days for cats with
         cats treated with surgery and RT, with a 700- to 986-day median   STSs larger than 5 cm in diameter.  In another study, cats with ISSs
         DFI for completely excised tumors and 112- to 292-day median   greater than 3.75 cm had a significantly decreased ST.  Although
         DFI for tumors resected with incomplete margins. 232,234  How-  most studies do not show differences in outcomes between cats treated
         ever, complete excision after preoperative RT does not appear to   with surgery and either preoperative or postoperative RT, the outcome
         improve local control rates because local tumor recurrence was   was significantly worse for cats treated with preoperative RT (MST
         reported in 42% of 59 cats with complete histologic excision and   310 days) than postoperative RT (MST 705 days) in one study, and
         32% of 28 cats with incomplete histologic excision. 234  cats treated with preoperative RT had a 2-fold increased risk of tumor-
            Prognostic factors for local recurrence include tumor size, surgi-  related death.  The 1- and 2-year survival rates for cats treated with
         cal dose or aggressiveness, completeness of histologic excision, and   preoperative and postoperative RT were 42% and 29%, and 70% and
         histologic grade. In one study of 24 cats with ISSs, local recurrence   47%, respectively.  In another study of 52 cats treated with surgery
         was significantly more likely after wide resection of larger tumors;   alone, including eight cats with presumed ISSs, histologic subtype
         and for each unit increase in tumor size, cats were two times more   was prognostic with MSTs for cats with FSA (640 days) and PNST
         likely to develop local recurrence and two times more likely to have a   (645 days) significantly better than for cats with MFH (290 days).
         tumor-related death. 261  A number of studies have shown the impor-  Survival was significantly associated with mitotic rate in one study
         tance of an aggressive surgical approach in the management of cats   of 24 cats with a 994-day MST for cats with mitotic count greater
         with ISSs, but this most likely is related to the ability to achieve   than 20 mitoses per 10 HPFs compared with an MST that was not
         complete histologic excision rather than the surgical approach spe-  reached in cats with a mitotic rate less than or equal to 20 mitoses per
         cifically. The median time to first recurrence after marginal resection   10 HPFs.  The MST for cats with local tumor recurrence was 327
         is 79 days compared with 325 to 419 days for wide resection or   to 499 days compared with 1098 to 1461 days to not reached for
         radical surgery. 225  In addition, the median time to first recurrence   cats without local tumor recurrence. 214,226,261  The estimated 2-year
         is only 66 days when the first surgery is performed at a nonreferral   survival rates for cats without and with local recurrence are 75% and
         institution compared with 274 days at referral institutions. 224,225  In   37%, respectively.  The MST for cats without distant metastasis was
         another study of 57 cats with wide resection of ISSs, the local recur-  929 to 1528 days compared with 165 to 388 days for the 20% to
         rence rate was 39% and significantly more likely with grade III ISSs   21% of cats that developed distant metastasis. 214,226  Distant metasta-
         compared with either grade I or II ISSs. 226          sis increased the risk of tumor-related death by three times.  
         Metastasis is relatively uncommon in cats with ISSs. The meta-  Prevention
         static rate varies from 0% to 24%. 209,213–215,225,226,232,234,261,262    The recommendations on preventing ISSs in cats are controver-
         Metastasis is significantly more likely in cats with grade III ISSs 226 ;   sial. These include changing the sites of vaccine administration,
         and the metastatic rates for cats with grade I, II, and III ISSs are   decreasing the use of polyvalent vaccines, using nonadjuvanted
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