Page 471 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 23  Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract  449

           this is a marginal excision. However, the degree of tumor encap-  Pathology and Behavior
           sulation will help guide whether or not adjunctive RT is indi-  It is postulated that with spirocercosis-associated sarcomas, a
           cated. Regional LNs should be sampled for staging purposes.  salivary gland is generally straightforward. If the parotid salivary   parasitic esophageal granuloma undergoes malignant transfor-
             The surgical approach to the affected mandibular or parotid
                                                                 mation leading to the development of an esophageal sarcoma,
           gland is removed, care must be taken to identify and protect the   typically  in the caudal  thoracic  portion  of the esophagus. 234
           facial nerve. If this is not possible, facial nerve paralysis may occur.   Histologic types of spirocercosis-associated sarcomas include
           In rare cases of zygomatic salivary neoplasia, 214,215  the zygomatic   OSAs, fibrosarcomas, and undifferentiated sarcomas. 239  Metas-
           salivary gland is approached via an orbitotomy and removal of the   tasis to the lungs was reported in 5 of 11 dogs at necropsy. 234
           zygomatic arch. 214                                   Additional metastatic sites included kidneys, adrenals, stom-
                                                                 ach, regional LNs, tongue, and the heart. 234  Complicating fac-
           Prognosis                                             tors include the presence of megaesophagus and hypertrophic
                                                                 osteopathy. 234
           In one retrospective study of dogs and cats with salivary gland   Plasmocytoma, 240  adenomatous polyp, 241  leiomyosarcoma, 242
           neoplasia, the median survival times were 550 days and 516 days   carcinoma, 243  adenocarcinoma, 243  adenosquamous carcinoma, 244
           for  dogs  and  cats,  respectively. 204   In  that  study,  patients  were   and squamous cell carcinoma 245  have also been reported in dogs,
           treated with surgery alone or in combination with RT or chemo-  but these are rare. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common
           therapy. 204  The small number of patients treated with adjunctive   esophageal tumor in cats, typically occurring in the middle third
           therapy in that study makes it difficult to make a general recom-  of the esophagus just caudal to the thoracic inlet. 246,247
           mendation for adjunctive therapy. Postoperative RT is generally   Leiomyomas are benign tumors of the muscularis of the esoph-
           recommended, especially in cases where the tumor is invasive   agus. They have been reported in the distal esophagus near the
           and has extended beyond the capsule. 216  Recommendations for   gastroesophageal junction in dogs. 238,248  In some cases, multiple
           chemotherapy are less defined due to the paucity of information   leiomyomas can occur  in the distal esophagus  and the stom-
           in the literature, but may be indicated in cases with evidence   ach. 232,233  Leiomyomas do not invade the esophageal mucosa. In
           of metastatic disease and with highly malignant histopathology.   contrast, low-grade leiomyosarcomas occasionally penetrate the
                                                                 esophageal mucosa. 242
           Comparative Aspects                                     Paraesophageal tumors, such as thyroid, thymic, or heart base
                                                                 tumors, can invade the esophagus. 249,250  
           Salivary gland adenocarcinoma has been reported in many other
           mammalian species other than dogs and cats. 217–225   History and Clinical Signs
             Treatment of salivary carcinoma in humans is commonly surgery
           followed by RT. 226–229  Factors that have been associated with a neg-  Clinical signs are usually related to obstruction of the esophagus,
           ative prognosis in one study included male sex, perineural invasion,   leading to regurgitation and weight loss. The presence of ulcer-
           high risk pathology, and late stage. 226  Another study found that age,   ation of the mass can cause melena and secondary anemia.
           sex, stage, site, and skin or bone invasion were significantly associ-  Respiratory signs can occur if aspiration pneumonia or meta-
           ated with survival. 227  The use of postoperative RT has been shown   static disease develops.
           to improve locoregional control. 227  Local control has been shown   Leiomyomas often are an incidental finding but can occasion-
           to be significantly associated with tumor stage and treatment type,   ally cause signs associated with esophageal obstruction. 232,233,243  
           with the combination of RT and surgery being superior to surgery
           alone. 228  Tumor stage was significantly associated with survival. 228  Diagnostic Tests and Workup
             Five- and 10-year survival rates are 68% 229  and 50%, respec-
           tively. 227  A 20-year actuarial rate of local control of 57% was   Diagnostic tests  for esophageal masses usually  include survey
           reported in one study with a 12-year probability of distant metas-  thoracic radiographs, contrast esophagram, esophagoscopy (Fig.
           tasis of 40%. 227                                     23.12), and CT scan (Fig. 23.13). 242  Survey radiographs may show
                                                                 retention of gas within the esophageal lumen, a mass, or esopha-
                                                                 geal dilatation proximal to the mass (Fig. 23.14). Spondylitis on
           SECTION C: ESOPHAGEAL TUMORS                          the ventral aspect of the vertebral body T6 to T12 was detected
                                                                 radiographically in 12 of 15 dogs with spirocercosis-associated
                                                                 esophageal sarcoma. 234  A positive-contrast esophagram may show
           PIERRE M. AMSELLEM AND                                a stricture or mass lesion in the esophageal lumen. Ultrasound- or
           JAMES P. FARESE                                       CT-guided aspirates can be performed for cytologic evaluation.
                                                                 Endoscopic biopsies of esophageal masses are possible; however,
           Incidence and Risk Factors                            for smooth muscle tumors, such as leiomyomas and leiomyo-
                                                                 sarcomas, they are usually unrewarding, as these tumors do not
           Esophageal neoplasia is rare in dogs and cats. Esophageal sarcomas have   penetrate the esophageal mucosa. 242,248  A surgical approach may
           been reported in association with infestation by the nematode Spiro-  be needed in these cases to obtain an incisional biopsy; however,
           cerca lupi. 230–237  Although this parasite has been reported worldwide   given the invasive nature of the surgical approach, most biopsies
           (South Africa, Kenya, India, Israel, the southeastern United States),   are excisional.
           Spirocerca lupi–associated  esophageal granulomas  and  sarcomas are   A fecal flotation test may be performed in dogs with esophageal
           reported mainly in Israel. 230–237  Leiomyomas may have a genetic   masses to test for Spirocerca lupi eggs, particularly in areas where
           component, as a high incidence was reported in a colony of laboratory   the parasite is endemic. This is a poorly sensitive test; eggs were
           beagle dogs.  Most animals with esophageal tumors are middle-aged   detected in only two of eight dogs in one study of spirocercosis-
           or older and there does not seem to be a gender predisposition.   associated sarcomas. 234  
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