Page 498 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 498

476   PART IV     Specific Malignancies in the Small Animal Patient

                                                               of AGASAC cells was associated with a longer MST (1168 days)
                                                No metastasis  than in dogs whose AGASAC expressed E-cadherin in fewer than
                                                               75% of cells (448 days).  0.8                                             and without hypercalcemia were 256 days and 584 days, respec-
                                                                  In a study of 113 dogs with AGASAC, MSTs for dogs with
                                                               tively. 600  Although hypercalcemia is a poor prognostic factor
                                                                                      other studies  have found  no  differ-
                                                               in  some  studies,
           Proportion surviving  0.6                           dogs. 599,605,606,609  Dogs with hypercalcemia require complete or
                                                               ence in survival between hypercalcemic and normocalcemic
                                                               near-complete removal of the tumor burden, including metastatic
                                                                                                     Tumor responses
                                                               disease, to resolve the hypercalcemia.
                                                               to hypofractionated RT and toceranib have resulted in resolution
                                                                                                 Medical management
                                                               of hypercalcemia in some dogs.
                                                               with  corticosteroids  and/or  bisphosphonates  may  be  needed  to
           0.2                                                 improve control of hypercalcemia. Recurrence of hypercalcemia
                                                               after tumor-ablating treatment is typically associated with recur-
                                                               rent or metastatic disease. 600,603,614
                                                                  In 11 dogs with anal sac melanoma treated with various combi-
                                                               nations of surgery, RT, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and sup-
              0       500      1000     1500     2000          portive medical management, the median PFI and OST were only
                                 Time (days)                   3 months and 3.5 months, respectively. 560  Ten of 11 dogs died due
         •  Fig. 23.34  Estimated Kaplan–Meier survival curves for overall survival   to local or distant tumor progression. 560  One dog with a small, 1.5
         times in dogs with apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma with (dashed)   cm primary tumor survived at least 58 months after surgery and
         and without (solid) metastasis at the time of diagnosis. The median over-  adjuvant chemotherapy. 560  Six of nine dogs with anal SCC sur-
         all survival times for dogs with metastasis (448 days) was significantly   vived 0 to 7 months after diagnosis. 561–563  Two dogs were lost to
         shorter than for dogs without metastasis (761 days, p = 0.042). (Reprinted   follow-up 7 months after diagnosis and one dog was disease-free
         with  permission  from Wouda  RM,  Borrego  J,  Keuler  NS,  et  al.  Evalua-  1 year after treatment with hypofractionated RT and carboplatin
         tion of adjuvant carboplatin chemotherapy in the management of surgi-  for a recurrent SCC. 561–563  Of five dogs that underwent surgical
         cally excised anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma in dogs. Vet Comp
         Oncol. 2016;14:67–80.)                                resection of the primary tumor, four dogs had recurrence within 1
                                                               to 5 months of surgery. 561,563
                                                                  The MST for 30 cats treated surgically, with or without adjunc-
         range from 293 to 448 days and this is significantly worse than   tive  chemotherapy  and/or  RT,  is  260 days. 566   The  1-, 2-,  and
         the MSTs of 529 to 1205 days for dogs without LN metas-  3-year survival rates were 42%, 27%, and 18%, respectively, with
         tasis. 601,605,606  Dogs with LN  metastasis at the  time  of diag-  a tumor-related mortality rate of 53%. 566  Poor prognostic factors
         nosis have a 2.3-fold increased risk of tumor-related death. 605    for survival in treated cats with AGASAC include local tumor
         Although the prognosis is worse for dogs with LN metastasis, 601    recurrence and increased nuclear pleomorphic score. The risk of
         MSTs improve after excision of the metastatic LNs. 601  The role   tumor-related death increased by 8 times for cats with local tumor
         of chemotherapy in dogs with LN metastasis disease remains   recurrence and 10 times for cats with increased nuclear pleomor-
         undefined. The MST for dogs with distant metastasis ranges   phic score. 566  The MSTs for cats with a nuclear pleomorphic score
         from 71 to 82 days in one study to 219 days in another study,   of 2 and 3 were 909 days and 187 days, respectively, and this was
         and this is significantly worse than the MST in dogs without   significantly different. 566  The role of chemotherapy and RT are
         distant metastasis. 600,601                           unknown, but RT would theoretically be indicated because of the
            Treatment also has an effect on STs in dogs with AGASAC.   high rate of local tumor recurrence, especially after incomplete
         Overall, when considering all dogs with AGASAC, those treated   histologic excision. A short-lived partial response to carboplatin
         with surgery have a significantly better outcome (MST 548 days)   was reported in one cat with recurrent AGASAC. 644  In another
         than those treated with either chemotherapy (MST 202 days)   report, adjuvant curative-intent RT (48 Gy) and carboplatin
         or those for which surgery was not part of the treatment proto-  resulted in local recurrence and/or metastasis within 6 months of
         col (MST 402 days). 600  However, when dogs with advanced LN   treatment in two cats. 567  In both cats, RT was well tolerated with
         metastasis (>4.5 cm) were expressly evaluated, treatment with   minimal acute effects. 567  
         hypofractionated  RT resulted  in  significantly  better outcomes
         compared with surgical extirpation. 611               Comparative Aspects     645–648
            AGASAC has been classified histologically according to its
         tumor cell arrangement, including solid, rosette, tubular, pap-  No similar hormonally dependent perianal disease state exists in
         illary, and mixed patterns. 607,608  In one study of 39 dogs, dogs   humans. The most common cancer of the anal margin is squa-
         with a predominantly solid pattern had shorter PFIs and OSTs   mous cell (epidermoid) carcinoma. These tumors arise from the
         compared with dogs with other histologic patterns, corroborat-  junction of haired skin and mucous membrane of the anal canal.
         ing a prior study that also associated tumor-related death with   Risk of developing cancer in this location is positively correlated
         solid histologic pattern. 607,608  Other histologic features of the   with sexual activity, and most tumors are associated with human
         primary tumor that have been associated with shorter PFIs and   papillomavirus infection. Precancerous changes (dysplasia) in
         OSTs include increased peripheral infiltration into surrounding   the epithelium of the anal canal may precede tumor develop-
         tissue, presence of necrosis, and lymphovascular invasion. 607  In   ment. Regional  LNs are the  most common  site of metastasis.
         an IHC study, the expression of E-cadherin in greater than 75%   Previously considered a surgical disease requiring a permanent
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