Page 14 - Natural Antioxidants, Applications in Foods of Animal Origin
P. 14


            • OH            hydroxyl radical
            1 O             singlet oxygen
            4-NHE           4-hydroxynonenal
            ABTS            2,2ʹ-azino-bis3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid
            ADF             antioxidant dietary fiber
            ADI             acceptable daily intake
            ADP             adenosine diphosphate
            AF              antioxidant factor
            AGEs            advanced glycation end products
            AH              antioxidant
            AH•             L-ascorbic acid radical
            AH 2            L-Ascorbic acid
            AI              atherogenic index
            ALE             advanced lipid oxidation end
            AOA             antioxidant activity
            APE             allylic position equivalent
            ARP             anti-radical power
            a w             water activity
            BAPE            bis-allylic position equivalent
            BCAAs           branched chain amino acids
            BHA             butylated hydroxy anisole
            BHT             butylated hydroxy toluene
            BPR             bael pulp residue
            C of V          coefficient of variance
            CA              citric acid
            Ca              calcium
            CB              control biscuits
            CF              commercially available fat
            CFR             code of federal regulations
            CHD             coronary heart diseases
            CIE             International Commission on Illumination
            CLA             conjugated linoleic acid
            CO 2            carbon dioxide
            CP              cauliflower powder
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