Page 18 - Natural Antioxidants, Applications in Foods of Animal Origin
P. 18

List of Abbreviations                                           xvii  RGE          red ginseng extract

            RNS             reactive nitrogen species
            RO•             alkoxyl radicals
            ROO•            peroxyl radicals
            ROS             reactive oxygen species
            RSA             radical scavenging activity
            RWGP            red wine grape pomace
            SAT             saturated fatty acids
            SDF             soluble dietary fiber
            Se              selenium
            SI              selectivity indexes
            SOSG            singlet oxygen sensor green
            TA              total anthocyanin
            TAG             triacylglycerides
            TBA             thiobarbituric acid
            TBARS           thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
            TBHQ            tertiary butyl hydroquinone
            TC              tea catechins
            TDF             total dietary fiber
            TEAC            trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity
            TF              total flavonol
            TM              tocopherol
            TOSC            total oxyradical scavenging activity
            TOTOX           total oxidation
            TPC             total phenolic content
            UF              ultra-filtered
            UMAE            ultrasonic/microwave assisted extraction
            UV              ultraviolet
            WGDF            white grape antioxidant dietary fiber
            WHC             water holding capacity
            WOF             warmed-over-flavor
            WWGP            white wine grape pomace
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