Page 14 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 14

xvi                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     collagen fibers, thickening of the skin layers, and carti-
                     lage and bone mineralization, depending on the tissue   Note about the terms laser therapy
                     type. LT has been proven to influence these processes,     and photobiomodulation
                     speeding  up the rate at  which they  take place and   In this book we use the term “laser therapy” (and its
                     improving the final result.                         abbreviation “LT”) almost exclusively in reference
                        This brief list of positive effects is intended to get   to this beneficial, non-destructive, light-based
                     one thing off the table right away: we know that laser   modality. The more robust and increasingly
                     works. That was a good question about 10 to 20 years   popular term is “photobiomodulation,” which does
                     ago. We have enough evidence (a lot of which we will   admittedly tell the story better since it is a story of
                     show in the coming chapters) that it works to promote   light (from a laser, LED, etc.) enhancing the body’s
                     healing, modulate inflammation, and decrease pain.   natural healing mechanisms. The reason we use LT
                     Of course experimental animal studies are more abun-  instead of PBM is that, as you’ll be able to tell very
                                                                         quickly, the tone of this book is very conversational.
                     dant and additional clinical studies should be carried   And as such, we want you to hear us talking through
                     out, but there are actually high quality trials, reviews,   the words. We don’t want you stumbling over the
                     and meta-analysis of LT that support this. Our goal   mouthful that is the internal pronunciation of
                     from here on is to dig into how we can do things    photobiomodulation. Laser therapy is much easier
                     better.                                             to say (even in your head) and so we’ll stick with that.

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