Page 9 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Acknowledgments                                      xi

                              About the images in the book              in Case no. 22 are courtesy of Dr. I. García Real and
                                                                        Dr. J. Rodríguez Quirós, Complutense Veterinary
                   •  Case no. 8 in Chapter 7 (with Figures C8.1, C8.3,   Teaching Hospital Madrid, Spain; with permission.
                      and C8.6) and Case no. 17 in Chapter 9 (with   •  Figures 3.3 to 3.6 in Chapter 3; Figures 7.1 to 7.4,
                      Figures C17.3a and C17.4a) were first reported in   7.6, 7.8a, 7.10, 7.13, 7.14 and case study Figures C3.2,
                      Veterinary Times. [1]                             C5.1, C9.1 to C9.5, C11.1, C11.2, and C12.1 to C12.7
                   •  In Chapter 9, Figures C13.1a, C13.1b, C13.2a,     in Chapter 7; and case study Figures C17.3 to C17.8,
                      C13.2b, C13.3a, C13.3b, and C13.4 in Case no. 13;   C22.2 to C22.5, and C24.1 to C24.3 in Chapter 9,
                      and Figures C17.1a, C17.1b, and  C17.2 in Case    were taken at the Complutense Veterinary Clinical
                      no. 17 are courtesy of Dr. I. García Real and Dr.   Hospital in Madrid, Spain; with permission.
                      P. García Fernández, Complutense Veterinary    •  All other photographs in the book regarding clinical
                      Teaching Hospital Madrid, Spain; with permission.  cases, therapeutic procedures, and goniometry were
                   •  In Chapter 9, Figures C20.1, C20.4, and C20.6 in   taken at Integra Vetersalud Centro Veterinario,
                      Case no. 20; and Figures C22.1, C22.6, and C22.7   Majadahonda, Spain.

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