Page 7 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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                        For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more    We struggled with the two extremes of
                        today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen     books that currently exist  on this topic
                        the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that   and in this profession: textbooks written
                        gets you.                                                  by academics and guidebooks written by
                                                 — Neil deGrasse Tyson  laser users. The academics obviously understand best
                                                                        what is fundamentally happening with light’s interac-
                                When we first started writing and think-  tion with biological tissue, but their experimentations
                                ing about this project, we pictured at   are often in cell culture, or at best on mice. That is
                                least two kinds of situations in which the   where you go to learn the principles and where to start.
                                book could be used. The reader might    The laser-user authors are clinicians who have, for one
                     have some time to sit down and enjoy learning more   reason or another, purchased a therapy laser from one
                     about laser therapy; but the book should also be useful   of the dozens of companies selling lasers of all types
                     when a patient has just come in with a severe otitis, a   and with all sorts of output parameters, begun to have
                     bite wound, or a dehiscence after a fracture repair. Or   clinical success using the parameters in those manufac-
                     maybe it is Mr. Whiskers who did not seem to improve   turer-preset protocols, and then started lecturing and
                     after his last session and you want to modify some   writing about their success stories.
                     parameters to get the clinical response you expect.  Neither of these types of writing are terribly useful.
                        Clinical results will probably be obvious shortly   We imagine you are reading this book to answer ques-
                     after you first implement laser therapy in your practice.   tions like, “what parameters of laser have the best
                     But as treatments progress, you will also be faced with   chance of working on this Rottweiler’s aching hip, what
                     more challenging cases. In such situations, it becomes   kinds of biological effects should I expect on the treated
                     even more important to have a good knowledge of the   tissue, how long should I expect to wait to see clinical
                     parameters you can modify. This, together with a good   results, and what techniques could I use to maximize
                     review of what has been published and reported, will   my consistency and efficacy.” The answer shouldn’t be
                     allow  you  to make  more  well-founded,  customized   to point you to an in vitro study of 25 mW exposure
                     choices for such patients.                         of 808 nm light on genetically modified strands of E.
                        I hope you enjoy performing laser therapy and offer-  coli to measure the rotation rate of the flagellum as an
                     ing that option to your patients. You are relieving their   indicator of their enhanced transmembrane  proton
                     pain, speeding up their recovery, and improving their   potential (don’t laugh, this is serious stuff). But neither
                     quality of life. At a molecular level, that is literally hap-  should the answer be to show you before-and-after
                     pening at the speed of light.                      pictures of a pug who had a bruised elbow and who
                                                            — María     after being treated with one commercially available
                                                                        laser was “feeling better” according to the pet owner
                                                                        (again, don’t laugh; those of you who have been to laser

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