Page 8 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 8
Being a vet brings many joys to your helped me with every technical question I could pos-
life; I am so lucky to work for my amaz- sibly have, in the most clear and straightforward way.
ing patients every day. They are our true Working with him is such a pleasure, and I would not
masters and I keep learning from them in have wanted to start this project without him. Mr. S.
health and disease. Their displays of gratitude and their Francisco always gave me his trust and I am so thank-
clinical improvements make me deeply happy, and ful for that. Thank you also to Dr. S. Barabas for the
they are the main reason behind this book: I want as support and the insight into daily practice in the UK.
many patients as possible to benefit from laser therapy. Being a vet also poses many challenges, and an
Another joy of being a vet is when you get the chance almost constant one is to find some kind of balance
to work with great colleagues, and I have that opportu- between your dedication to your profession, which is
nity at the university, in private practice, and as a laser not just a job, and your family and personal life. Writing
therapy consultant. I am very thankful to my fellow vets this book made that even more difficult, and I thank
who showed their trust in me by referring their cases, my dear parents and especially my husband Jose, Señor
and to the owners of these animals who decided to Perales, for their patience, unconditional support, and
choose laser therapy for their beloved animal compan- understanding of so many stolen evenings, weekends,
ions. At the hospital, students, interns, and residents and holidays. My four-legged family is as important
have helped a lot with the cases; they are a daily inspi- and dear to me, and this book is dedicated to them,
ration, and I am thankful and very proud of them. Dr. the ones that sleep by my side and the ones that await
K. Gámez Maidanskaia even translated Russian articles downstream.
for me! Some of the figures have been supplied by kind Another very patient person was our wonderful
permission of the Complutense Veterinary Clinical editor, Sarah Hulbert; I would like to thank her for the
Hospital in Madrid, Spain (see below for details). support and for always being so understanding, charm-
All the other photographs were taken at Integra ing, and professional.
Vetersalud Centro Veterinario. This practice is where
my colleagues Dr. S. Salgado – who was also essential It has taken years to build up the knowl-
in helping with goniometry – Dr. M. Bravo, and Dr. P. edge and courage to write this book.
González are the greatest team to work with and share There are of course too many people to
the same enthusiasm and dedication for our patients, thank on this page for all the guidance,
and they absolutely are part of the therapeutic team in knowledge, experience, perspective, interactions, and
the cases. support through those years. But my biggest thanks go
I would not have dived into laser therapy when I did to two beautiful boys . . . my best friends in this world:
if I had not met Bryan Stephens; he is to me the bright- Quinn and Cooper. Daddy loves you, and is lucky to
est mind in laser science, and over the years has always have you.
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