Page 10 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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                     AA        arachidonic acid                         IGF       insulin-like growth factor
                     ALP       alkaline phosphatase                     IL        interleukin
                     ALT       alanine aminotransferase                 IL-1RA    interleukin 1 receptor antagonist
                     ATP       adenosine triphosphate                   iNOS      inducible nitric oxide synthase
                     BDNF      brain-derived neurotrophic factor        IRIS      International Renal Interest Society
                     bFGF      basic fibroblast growth factor           IVDD      intervertebral disk disease
                     BRONJ     biphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of   LCADSS  Localized Canine Atopic Dermatitis
                               jaws                                               Severity Score
                     CBPI      Canine Brief Pain Inventory              LED       light-emitting diode
                     CCLR      cranial cruciate ligament rupture        LOAD      Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs
                     CNS       central nervous system                   LOX       lipoxygenase
                     CE        Conformité Européenne                    LPVAS     Localized Pruritic Visual Analogue Score
                     CO        carbon monoxide                          LT        laser therapy
                     COAST     Canine Osteoarthritis Staging Tool       LTX       leukotrienes
                     COI       Canine Orthopedic Index                  LTB       leukotriene B4
                     COX       cyclooxygenase                           MC        male castrated
                     CT        computed tomography                      MFS       Modified Frankel Score
                     CW        continuous wave                          MMP       matrix metalloproteinase
                     DC        duty cycle                               MNC       male, non-castrated
                     DJD       degenerative joint disease               MRI       magnetic resonance imaging
                     DNA       deoxyribonucleic acid                    MSC       mesenchymal stem cells
                     EGF       epidermal growth factor                  NAALT     North American Association for
                     eNOS      endothelial nitric oxide synthase                  Photobiomodulation Therapy
                     Ep        energy per pulse                         NGF       nerve growth factor
                     FDA       Food and Drug Administration             NMES      neuromuscular electrical stimulation
                     FGF       fibroblast growth factor                 nNOS      neuronal nitric oxide synthase
                     FLUTD     feline lower urinary tract disease       NO        nitric oxide
                     FMPI      Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index        NOS       nitric oxide synthase
                     fp        pulse frequency                          NRS       numerical rating scales
                     FS        female spayed                            NSAID     non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
                     GABA      gamma-amino butyric acid                 OA        osteoarthritis
                     IBD       inflammatory bowel disease               Pa        average power
                     ICAM-1    intercellular adhesion molecule-1        PAH       pulmonary arterial hypertension
                     IG-E      immunoglobulin E                         PAF       platelet activating factor

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