Page 11 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 11

Abbreviations                                      xiii

                   PCR       polymerase chain reaction               TLT       transcranial laser therapy
                   PDGF      platelet-derived growth factor          TNF       tumor necrosis factor
                   PGE2      prostaglandin E2                        TP        trigger point
                   PGI 2     prostacyclin                            TPLO      tibial plateau leveling osteotomy
                   PLA       phospholipase A2                        TTA       tibial tuberosity advancement
                   PMF       pulsed magnetic field                   TU        therapeutic ultrasound
                   Pp        peak power                              TSCIS     Texas Spinal Cord Injury Score
                   PRP       platelet-rich plasma                    TSH       thyroid stimulating hormone
                   RNS       reactive nitrogen species               Tx        treatment
                   ROM       range of motion                         TXA2      thromoboxane A2
                   ROS       reactive oxygen species                 UV        ultraviolet
                   SIRS      systemic inflammatory response syndrome  VAS      visual analogue scales
                   SSI       surgical site infection                 VCAMs     vascular cell adhesion molecules
                   TBI       traumatic brain injury                  VEGF      vascular endothelial growth factor
                   TCM       Traditional Chinese Medicine            WALT      World Association of Laser Therapy
                   TCVM      Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine  WSAVA    World Small Animal Veterinary
                   TENS      transcutaneous electrical stimulation             Association
                   TGF       transforming growth factor              WHS       Wound Healing Society

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