Page 185 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Implementation of laser therapy in practice                  171

                                                                     achieve and how fast, is what REALLY matters to us as
                    The clinician of us has a slight problem with    clinicians! And of course, part of the answer is that it
                    this last strategy, thinking it carries the risk of
                    an improper diagnosis (from a non-veterinarian   depends on the case, but there are some guidelines.
                    receptionist), where a squamous cell carcinoma      My recommendation is that before you change your
                    is mistaken for a simple wound, for instance. Plus   protocols (i.e. before you stop doing anything you were
                    there is the possibility of devaluing the therapy.   doing before you had the laser), just add it to your treat-
                    Both are valid points, but I’ll still emphasize that the   ments. Give yourself some time to grow confident in
                    waiting room is a VERY valuable place, confirmed   the clinical results. If discontinuing an antibiotic course
                    by the amount of money big food and pharma       makes you uneasy, just don’t do it (if justified). Keep
                    companies spend on their marketing in that room.   treating the patients the same way, just adding the laser.
                    Either way, proceed with caution, and choose     After a few weeks or months you will feel confident to
                    what’s best for your clinic and its personnel.   try some of the following changes.

                                                                     •  Antibiotics: first of all, whenever possible, please
                    11.2 How to integrate laser therapy with            DO perform cultures and antibiograms as part of
                             your current treatments                    your routine to diagnose an infection. Overuse
                                                                        of antibiotics and resistance expansion is a very
                   With LT, you are incorporating a new resource into   serious and growing problem, and a risk not just for
                   your tool box. It is certainly one you will use often and   our patients: there is resistance transfer from com-
                   in a variety of conditions, but it is not a magic wand.   panion animals to their human companions (and
                   You are still going to prescribe drugs, perform surger-  vets!). [427]
                   ies, and use other modalities to help your patients. Yes,   •  If there is a local superficial infection  with mild
                   you will probably use less medication (or none in some   signs, you may avoid antibiotics, especially if you can
                   conditions), a few surgeries will even be avoided, and   monitor the patient in upcoming sessions, which is
                   recovery after injuries may need less rehab visits, but   usually the case with LT. You can still use antisep-
                   let’s talk about how these coexist and integrate with   tics. If signs are severe or seem to be progressing,
                   laser.                                               consider the antibiotic. An acute mild sacculitis or a
                                                                        hot spot can often be managed without antibiotics,

                                 11.2.1 Medications                     but if the patient is hyperthermic and deteriorating
                                                                        it is probably time to think about other things as
                   As for compatibility, LT can be performed in patients   well.
                   under  any  oral  medication;  the  only  theoretical  pre-  •  Keep using your (topical and/or systemic depending
                   caution would be with photosensitizing drugs, but as   on the case) antibiotics for deep-seated infections
                   already mentioned, there are no reports of side effects   such as bacterial cystitis, deep, purulent fistulae or
                   nor a list of which drugs are activated at which wave-  otitis, osteomyelitis, etc. (please, please perform
                   lengths. Local drugs can be a different story: they can   cultures).
                   absorb the light and produce a local inflammatory   •  Analgesics: do not decrease the dose until the patient
                   reaction; that is why we absolutely avoid LT over joints   shows some significant improvement with LT. This
                   that have been infiltrated with steroids or non-steroi-  can take very few days or several weeks, depending
                   dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the last 1–2   on the case, so too early a withdrawal could leave a
                   weeks, and why it is recommended to clean topical    gap of time between that and the effect of LT. Plus,
                   products  from a wound  or from an ear  canal before   it has been described how most of the effect of the
                   applying laser treatment.                            NSAID often takes several weeks to be achieved.
                     One of the most common questions asked when        The exception, of course, would be a clinical con-
                   clinicians start to work with LT is about how much   traindication to maintaining the use of those drugs
                   and how fast it actually decreases the need for drugs.   (gastritis, renal conditions, and all those you know).
                   “When do I taper off painkillers?” “Is this patient going   In some cases you will be able to eliminate the need
                   to  need  antibiotics  or is  LT  enough?”  Because  this,   for analgesics, in others you will just decrease the
                   together with how much improvement the patient can   dose or frequency, and in some you will maintain all

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