Page 184 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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170                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     used together, and others are incompatible. Choose   •  A reduced price package for (almost) all post-ops.
                     and customize for your particular situation from the   Not only will your rate of postsurgical complica-
                     following list of ideas.                              tions decrease (even more), but even the uncom-
                                                                           plicated wounds will heal faster and better, and the
                     •  Patients with chronic pain conditions.  For        hair will regrow faster as well. Sad as it is, many pet
                        instance, about 20% of our patients over 1 year of   owners will judge the surgical procedure by the clip-
                        age suffer from osteoarthritis (OA) – this is not the   ping (very sad) and how pretty the incision looks
                        only condition needing chronic pain management     (not that sad: usually the prettiest incisions feel
                        but probably the most common one. Chronic pain     more comfortable and heal better). So improving all
                        requires a multimodal approach and now you will    of these can go a long way with everyone. Adding
                        be offering an option that will likely reduce the need   a small amount (it will take little time to treat an
                        for drugs, which are not free of side effects.     incision) to the price of your surgeries will be unno-
                          NOTE: There are a couple of ways to look at      ticeable for your clients, but at a certain volume of
                        combination treatments, especially when it comes   surgeries it really adds up. The exception, as you
                        to pharmaceuticals, since pet owners (and you, for   know, would be the oncological procedures, at least
                        that matter) are so used to a given result. If you   as a general rule.
                        keep the patient on  the drugs  and add  laser, you   •  Everything that walks through the door at low
                        will likely see an increased response. At that point   cost. While you need to be aware of the few con-
                        you (and the owner) can decide if that heightened   traindications, your infrared laser is absolutely safe,
                        activity is desired (especially for show or compe-  and many patients respond favorably after a single
                        tition  animals).  But you  may  decide  to wean  the   treatment. For this reason, many practices now
                        patient off the drugs (once an improvement has     include LT as a part of their standard visit. This
                        been noted with LT) to see where they end up.      way, every owner gets not just information about
                        Most likely by the time you get them off the drugs   the service, but also an initial experience. If you just
                        completely, you’ll find that their activity (and pain   slightly increase the price of the visit, revenue can
                        and  quality  of  life)  measurements  level  off  pretty   become very significant. If you don’t want to do this
                        close to where they were while on the drugs. This   for every standard visit, consider doing it for certain
                        would NOT be a tie. This would be a BIG WIN,       types: geriatric check-ups, dental visits, otitis, reha-
                        to be able to have pharmaceutical-level response   bilitation visits, and so on.
                        without the drugs and their long list of potential   •  Making use of the waiting room: you can take
                        side effects.                                      advantage of the short time pet owners spend there
                     •  Conditions with the greatest clinical response.    to inform them about laser therapy in the most direct
                        The more confident you become about the clini-     way, by having your receptionist or a nurse trained
                        cal results you achieve with LT, the better you    in LT and using a small, dedicated exam/treatment
                        will convey that to your clients and the more they   room. While the patient and owner are waiting, the
                        will accept laser treatments. If you are the kind of   receptionist offers this “complimentary” service in
                        person who gets discouraged unless you see strong   the treatment room after asking a few preliminary
                        and fast results – someone who says, “how am I     questions (i.e. “is there a known malignancy?” etc.).
                        going to charge for a treatment if I do not have a   And while they treat, the pet owner is watching
                        high likelihood of success?” – then wounds (espe-  a short iPad video on laser, or the receptionist or
                        cially chronic and complicated ones) are probably   nurse is just talking them through what the laser is
                        your best chance of growing in confidence. Otitis,   and what it may help with. This way, the pet owner
                        acute trauma, and chronic back pain are also on    is already aware of the service and is likely to ask the
                        the top ten list of successfully treated conditions,   vet if laser is right for their pet. If the answer is “yes,”
                        although not all of them will need the same time   then the vet has already given one treatment free
                        to respond or achieve a similar degree of improve-  and so can create a bundled “package” price with
                        ment. And from there, you and your staff will start   an already-perceived discount. If not, no problem,
                        to broaden the recommendations as you feel more    it didn’t cost any real money, just 5 minutes of the
                        confident.                                         receptionist/nurse’s time.

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