Page 182 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 182

168                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     4.  Let people know you have a new, safe treatment        Also, let your colleagues know about your new
                        to offer. Prepare and display information (boards,   therapy; some of them will refer cases to you for
                        leaflets, testimonial binders, on digital screens, etc.).   laser treatment if they know about its uses, so con-
                        Use pictures of real cases, with before/after images   sider gathering some information for them in the
                        if appropriate. Make videos about LT that you can   format you prefer, whether it’s a newsletter, a pro-
                        use online but also on the computer or the waiting   fessional journal, or a lecture, for example.
                        room screen if you have one. Manufacturing or dis-  5.  Your laser session should be enjoyable for the
                        tributing companies often have display material or   patient, the therapist, and the owner. This is
                        information that can help get you started.         actually easy to achieve, since the patient is going
                          Update your website, email your clients, and     to experience pain relief and endorphin release; go
                        use social media. Who does not love pictures of    with it. Come on: it is one of the occasions when we
                        patients in their doggles? Testimonials of success-  do something to our patients they actually like (Fig.
                        ful cases will also help and add credibility, whether   11.1).
                        you include them on boards, videos, or emails, etc.        Try to work in a patient-friendly and fear-free
                        If some good clients are willing to share informa-  way, at least as much as you can in that particular
                        tion about LT in their social media, this can attract   environment (Fig. 11.2). Really, decreasing your
                        extra attention. Local press and magazines can be   patient’s fear and anxiety is ALWAYS worth it.
                        an option and reach a different target audience with   Most canine and some feline patients will feel less
                        less intense use of social media. And if you get the   stressed if treated and handled on the floor, rather
                        attention of the TV or radio, your audience will   than on a table, so please consider that. Some will
                        surely increase.                                   like to be lying straight on the floor (Fig. 11.3), and

                     Figure 11.1 Patient relaxing during laser therapy.

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