Page 177 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 177

Considering laser therapy for your practice                 163

                   to wait the biological half-life of the drug (usually about   The  take-home  message  is:  try  not  to  aim  at  the
                   7–10 days) after the injection to treat over the site.   thyroid area or focus a high dose specifically over the
                   Treating before an injection has no contraindication   gland, and don’t treat the neck of hyperthyroid patients,
                   since the light is absorbed within nanoseconds of treat-  but otherwise treat cervical conditions whenever laser
                   ment, so if you want to inject, do the laser treatment   is indicated.
                                                                               10.2.6 Other extra precautions
                                   10.2.5 Thyroid
                                                                     •  As obvious as it may seem, do not laser over active
                   It has been advised to avoid laser over the thyroid gland.   bleeding: laser will stimulate blood flow into the
                   This organ is delicate, already very metabolically active,   area, which will increase the bleeding. If the bleed-
                   and the number of people being diagnosed with thyroid   ing is minimal, this may not have consequences, for
                   nodules is growing, so there are some concerns about   example right after closing a spay incision, but to
                   potential uncontrolled stimulation of thyroid function   improve the situation you should apply some cold
                   both in medical and veterinary practice.             and light pressure to the wound first, then consider
                     Could you send a patient into a thyroid storm? We   LT after bleeding has completely stopped.
                   are not aware of any single such report. There are a few   •  Be extra cautious in epileptic patients: it is known
                   animal studies on the effect of LT on thyroid activity,   that pulsing visible red light as an aiming beam can
                   though. A dose  of 4 J/cm  over the thyroid  of mice   trigger epileptic seizures in humans (make sure the
                   increased their thyroid hormone production, without   pet owner and other people in the room are not epi-
                   morphological changes, [415]  but higher doses had pre-  leptic themselves), and although most of the energy
                   viously been reported to potentially increase vessel   will be delivered using invisible light (infrared), LT
                   diameter and numerical density of pinocytotic vesicles.  devices  generally  use  a  visible  pulsing  red  light.
                   [416]  On the other hand, a study in 6-month-old rabbits   Laser can be considered in some epileptic patients
                   found after repeated treatments that the effect was a   provided the patient does not see the flashing red
                   decrease in total T3 and T4 serum concentrations, and   light at all, we are not working around the head, and
                   an increase in serum TSH. [417]  Another study showed   the matter has been discussed with the owner. Why
                   a variable effect of infrared laser irradiation depending   the head? When treating over the temporal, frontal,
                   on age: laser increased the size of the thyroid capillaries   parietal, and occipital areas (brain projection areas),
                   in very young Wistar rats and had the opposite effect in   be aware of the fact that the skull is relatively trans-
                   older ones. [418]                                    parent to the laser. It has been proposed that a
                     One of the most interesting reports in this field was   power density of 1.6 W/cm  applied transcranially
                   a study in people with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.   is  equivalent  to  1.1  W/cm   applied  directly  to  an
                   In a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study, LT   exposed cortex. [172]  I had two personal communica-
                   was able to dramatically decrease the need for thyroid   tions from colleagues describing epileptic episodes
                   replacement therapy and decreased some of the auto-  after laser treatments for two wounds over the skull,
                   immunity markers. [419]  The potential for this use had   in patients who had not previously been diagnosed
                   been previously pointed out in the chronic  autoim-  as epileptics. So it is possible that the changes in
                   mune thyroiditis pilot study. [420]  The same authors also   cerebral blood flow unmask a cryptogenic/second-
                   found LT increased the levels of transforming growth   ary epilepsy. I would also be especially cautious if
                   factor (TGF) [421]  and improved thyroid parenchyma   I had to treat the neck of an epileptic patient with
                   vascularization. [422]                               high power, since it can also affect cerebral blood
                     LT may have an impact on thyroid function even     flow.
                   if laser is not directly applied over the thyroid area.   •  Refer  to  section  9.2.1,  “Laser  therapy  in  growing
                   Researchers have found some protocols applied to the   animals”; again, it is not an absolute contraindica-
                   mandible have no effect on thyroid activity, [423]  while   tion, just a particular type of patient that can benefit
                   others demonstrated an effect on serum levels of T3   a great deal from LT but already has a higher meta-
                   and calcium – which nevertheless remained within the   bolic rate,  so dosing and frequency of treatment
                   normal range. [424]                                  should be adjusted.

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