Page 173 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Considering laser therapy for your practice                 159

                   of Tennessee, so picture me saying that in a hillbilly,   of danger and medical legal precautions. While it is
                   tobacco-spitting, moonshine-sipping, overall-wearing   absolutely necessary to disclose this list to your patients
                   twang.) But seriously …                           (and staff), it is useful to understand the actual dangers
                     Safety  concerns  have  been  thoroughly  evaluated   in each situation. Our version of the contraindications
                   by governing bodies (Food and Drug Administration   of LT is as follows:
                   [FDA], Health Canada, Conformité Européen [CE]
                   Marking, etc.) and international organizations (WALT,   •  exposure to the eyes (main and absolute
                   NAALT, etc.) via thermal tests, histology reports,   contraindication)
                   and other worst-case scenario experiments. They all   •  known malignancies (although this paradigm may
                   reach the same conclusions: LT is one of the safest in   change in the future)
                   the world and undesired effects can be avoided if the   •  gravid uterus
                   therapist is educated. Reported side effects, (e.g. tired-  •  the thyroid (relative)
                   ness, nausea, headache, and increased pain) are always   •  in local combination with steroid/NSAID injection.
                   described as mild and actually have a prevalence similar
                   to those in the placebo group when studied in humans.  Other situations, such as active growing epiphy-
                   [100]  Thousands of treatments are performed worldwide   ses or epilepsy, are not contraindications per se, but
                   each day in human and veterinary patients. Safety is one   precautions need to be taken and discussed with the
                   of the reasons why LT is growing so fast. Having said   owner. Let’s explain in more detail, since knowing why
                   this, every practice should be strict in their adherence to   the limits are in place and where their boundaries are
                   safety procedures when using laser. And knowing about   enables you to extend the range of your applications
                   safety is important even before you acquire a device.  safely and effectively.
                     Each  country  may  have  their  own  specific  regula-
                   tions for the safe use of laser devices, but all of them        10.2.1 Eye exposure
                   include eye protection, warning signs, and staff/pet
                   owner education, among others. Being an educated   The eyes contain the most photosensitive cells in your
                   laser user you will know why safety is important, but   body. This fact alone should throw up some red flags
                   also how to erase any superstition related to this type of   when dealing with high-powered light sources like
                   infrared electromagnetic radiation.               lasers. But the most crucial feature of the eye relevant
                                                                     to safety is the lens and its focusing power. Briefly,
                                                                     whatever light that is not absorbed or reflected by the
                                    Basic facts                      cornea passes through the lens and gets focused onto
                                                                     the retina, and in particular a central spot known as the
                    •   Red and infrared lasers are non-ionizing, just   fovea centralis, which then connects to the brain, where
                        like your infrared lamp in the intensive care
                        unit, or the fluorescent bulb over your head.  the light gets processed and interpreted as an image.
                    •   You are using a very special type of lamp, but   For a given wavelength of light, the laser param-
                        a kind of a lamp nevertheless; when you turn   eter that dictates the safe/dangerous limit is power
                        it off, there is no radiation floating around or   density (W/cm ; i.e. the amount of energy delivered
                        remaining in the room or in objects.         per second per unit area). Note: power alone says
                    •   In LT, we do not vaporize cells, or cut or burn   nothing about safety, since light from a 100 W lamp
                        the patient. That is done with other types of   spread over an entire room is perfectly safe but light
                        laser, coagulation devices, and laser sabers.   from a 0.5 W laser delivered through a 0.001 cm fiber
                        Therefore, there is no toxic plume to be     can do surgery.
                        evacuated.                                      Once an external power density of 1 W/cm  (one
                                                                     that is perfectly safe for any tissue in your body) is
                     There is no universally endorsed contraindication   focused by the lens, the retina is exposed to a power
                   list, however, and some of the conditions laser com-  density of over 80 W/cm . This amount of focused
                   panies and training organizations include do not come   energy can cause irreversible damage to the eye and
                   from negative data points  from any studies. Instead,   can lead to partial or total blindness. You can see that
                   this list is created mostly from theoretical possibilities   even scattered light from high-powered sources poses

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