Page 176 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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162                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     in progression and severity of the disease. [404]  In vitro   •  Post-lymphadenectomy lymphedema: LT has
                     irradiation of the malignant osteosarcoma MG63 cell   been used for some years now to treat secondary
                     line stimulates growth with certain wavelengths but not   lymphedema of the arm. Systematic reviews seem
                     others, [405]  independently  of the dose, while dose-de-  to conclude LT does help significantly. [412]
                     pendent growth/inhibition was reported in different
                     cancer cell lines (EMT-6 and RIF-1) [406]  under red light   The second scenario is as palliative care at the end of
                     stimulation. Neoplastic cells could be more responsive   a patient’s life. If the patient’s condition is severe and
                     to laser stimulation than normal ones, according to the   you’re certain that he is nearing his end, but want to
                     in vitro experiment published by Werneck et al., which   provide some heightened quality of life, LT may be an
                     also showed a significant influence of wavelength and   option. It can help to treat the inflammation and pain
                     irradiation time [407]  (more irradiation time also means   associated with certain types of cancer.
                     more cumulative dose). Neoplasias could also be more   Solid tumors are also characterized by a certain
                     resistant to cell inhibition with very high dosages, and   degree of hypoxia, extracellular acidosis, and lack of
                     some authors relate this to cancer stem cells and their   cell nutrients. [413]  This situation is similar to wounds to
                     potentially increased capacity to overcome overpro-  some extent, since they both trigger the same inflam-
                     duction of reactive oxygen species. [408]          matory mediators, which in this case can be released by
                        There are at least two scenarios where laser may not   tumor cells, by the stroma, or by other cells attracted to
                     be such a bad idea. However, in each of these as well as   the site. The shared inflammatory mechanisms and the
                     virtually any scenario that involves a malignancy, there   effect of LT on their control could explain the results
                     is always the risk that laser will stimulate the cancer and   obtained by Ottaviani and her team in 2016 when they
                     so written letters of disclosure and consent are highly   found that laser irradiation of cultured melanoma cells
                     recommended. The first is to prevent or treat surgical   increased their growth, but once implanted in live mice,
                     site complications after resection of a tumor where the   laser irradiation of the mice decreased tumor progres-
                     pathology report makes you feel comfortable about the   sion. [414]  This is not meant to encourage you to treat
                     margins. You may think: “how far do I have to be from   your oncological patients; the aim is to show that a
                     a tumor site, or from a previous tumor site, to consider   lot more research is needed in this field, which could
                     LT to be safe?” There is no straight answer. Some types   change our black-and-white traditional paradigm.
                     of neoplasia have a confined in situ growth, others can
                     have relatively distant satellite nodules and even skip        10.2.3 Pregnant uterus
                     metastasis, as is seen in osteosarcomas or synovial sar-
                     comas. An increase in tumor growth or recurrence has   There has never been a single report of a miscarriage
                     never been reported in the following clinical studies in   or any deformity that can be linked to LT, but this is
                     human patients, but some of them are very recent and/  on everyone’s list of no-no’s. For pregnant veterinar-
                     or do not specifically evaluate the risk of recurrence or   ians and technicians, the combination of clothing
                     metastasis after LT.                               and the arm’s length treatment distance mitigates any
                                                                        risk. Laser can affect muscle tone and blood flow, so
                     •  Head and neck cancer and chemotherapy- and radi-  although it is theoretically unlikely to have any effect,
                        otherapy-induced mucositis: although some studies   avoid performing laser treatments around the abdomi-
                        show better results than others, no negative effects   nal area of pregnant patients for medical legal reasons.
                        have been described. A growing body of evidence is
                        accumulating regarding the benefits of LT for these   10.2.4 Recent infiltration of joints with steroids/
                        patients, and guidelines and protocols have been                   NSAIDs
                        published. [64, 65, 238, 409]
                     •  In women who undergo mammary lumpectomy         LT directly over the site of a recent intramuscular or
                        and develop radiation-induced dermatitis: initial   intra-articular injection can cause tenderness, swelling,
                        studies with light emitting diode (LED) treatment   and pain. The main reason is that the local drug con-
                        did not find a therapeutic effect [410] , but recently a   centration is very high, some of these drugs are photo-
                        study was published using LT with good results (not   sensitive (others heat-sensitive), and this combination
                        placebo-controlled). [411]                      can lead to a flare-up. A standard recommendation is

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