Page 175 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Considering laser therapy for your practice                 161

                                                                                           Figure 10.3 Eye protection
                                                                                           with the hand while treating the
                                                                                           supraciliary area.

                   (whether human-sized or animal-sized) block a large   reduced at greater depths in the body, and so the same
                   percentage of the near-infrared spectrum. So putting   benefits you experience with laser on other related con-
                   doggles on them makes the room that much dimmer   ditions of the body can be exploited safely around the
                   for them (darker than night, in fact). That would put   eyes.
                   me to sleep too.
                     An important point, though, is that this lens magni-        10.2.2 Neoplastic growths
                   fication is the true source of danger, not the exposure
                   of the retina to light. If the light does not pass through   Cancer cells proliferate faster than healthy ones and
                   the lens and get magnified, then its power density is   often “do things” they are not supposed to. The reason
                                                                     to avoid LT over a neoplastic growth or its surround-
                                                                     ings is that we do not want to stimulate an already over-
                                                                     stimulated cell line that is having a negative biological
                                                                     effect. Light does not distinguish between healthy or
                                                                     cancerous cells. Plus you would be having a pro-angi-
                                                                     ogenic effect and potentially facilitating cell dissemina-
                                                                     tion, although a link between LT and an increased rate
                                                                     of metastasis has never been proven. Benign growths
                                                                     should also be avoided, since the increased metabolism
                                                                     could also have unwanted effects.
                                                                        As happens with non-cancerous cells, the whole truth
                                                                     may be more complex; the net effect probably depends
                                                                     on both the type of cancer (cell line) and the parameters
                                                                     used (wavelength and dose, at least), plus other factors
                                                                     we may still ignore. For instance, using an in vivo model
                                                                     of squamous cell carcinoma,  Myakishev-Rempel et
                                                                     al. found no effect on tumor growth after irradiating
                   Figure 10.4 When treating the ear canal, the straps of the   tumor-bearing mice with 5 J/cm  of red light. [403]  Using
                   doggles are in the way, so one option is to protect the eye   a higher dose over squamous cell carcinoma tumors in
                   with the hand.                                    hamsters, however, another study found an increase

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