Page 171 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 171


                            Considering laser therapy for your practice

                     Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.   characteristics. A well-powered device is commonly in
                     Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear   the range of 17,000–32,000 USD, but return on invest-
                     less.                                           ment is usually high and fast with the right device,
                                                     — Marie Curie   proper use, and an implementation plan. There are
                                                                     good plans, and there are better plans, but the only
                   We often purchase pieces of equipment for our prac-  bad plan is having no plan. The following are necessary
                   tices and hospitals that allow us to work better as clini-  questions and will help you make your calculations.
                   cians but that are not always an easy choice in financial
                   terms.  A  new  ultrasound  machine,  the  latest  toy  for   •  How many patients per day/week do you treat that
                   surgery, a computed tomography scanner … We hope     could benefit from LT? Remember LT is extremely
                   the clinical benefits of laser therapy (LT) have been   versatile; unless you only see oncology and epilep-
                   clarified in previous pages. But what about the finan-  tic patients, many of your cases are going to benefit
                   cial side? The truth is that if the device is well chosen   from it: in general practice, probably 50–70%. Think
                   and used, implementing LT in your practice can help   of all the post-ops, otitis, bite wounds, and degen-
                   you pay for the ultrasound machine much faster. The   erative joint disease  (DJD) patients  you treat, to
                   versatility allows you to treat a wide variety of cases,   mention just a few. Some of your past and current
                   whether you are in a general practice or in a sports   cases probably came to your mind while you were
                   medicine center. About 30–40% of US practices offer   reading other sections of this book.
                   LT among their services, and hundreds of them do so   •  How many of their owners would be willing to pay
                   in Europe.                                           for it? You should expect at least 50%, but this will
                                                                        increase to about 80%. As with any other treatment,

                          10.1 Make an educated choice                  this depends in part on how, how much, and how
                                                                        fluently you and your staff talk to them about LT.
                   At every veterinary conference you attend these days   A good implementation plan considers this. This
                   you will find many LT options. This market is sprout-  is also related to how long you have been using LT
                   ing; we hope that after reading this book you will know   and how familiar you are with seeing its effects and
                   how to distinguish between a poor laser and a high-  predicting how much and how fast it will help a
                   quality one. Their technical differences (diodes and   patient. There will come a point when you will not
                   wavelengths, power, pulsing, fiber durability, variety of   hesitate to choose LT for a patient, in the same way
                   spot sizes, either adjustable or with different treatment   you now have no doubt that a certain animal needs
                   heads, etc.) do matter, and will not just influence their   an non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
                   price, but also the efficacy of your treatments. The box   or a particular surgical procedure.
                   on the next page lists the seven key points to look for.  •  How much would you charge for a session?
                     The prices of LT devices are as varied as their    Remember that it does not take the same amount

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