Page 174 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 174

160                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                                                                        indirect radiation, or from an accidental momentarily
                                                                        direct exposure; you are still not supposed to point the
                                                                        laser inside anyone’s eyeball.
                                                                          As for the patients, it is necessary to avoid their eye
                                                                        contact with the beam. So for safety, use the doggles
                                                                        (Fig. 10.2), a towel, or your hands every time you work
                                                                        around the head (Fig. 10.3) and forelimbs, but doggles
                                                                        are not that important if you are treating the lumbar
                                                                        area and you are blocking the view of the beam with
                                                                        your hand. For some head treatments, the straps of the
                                                                        doggles will be in your way to the treatment area. In
                     Figure 10.1 Both the patient and dog companion are using
                     doggles.                                           such cases, cover the eyes with your assistant’s or the
                                                                        owner’s hands (Fig. 10.4), and avoid pointing the beam
                                                                        into the eye. Consider this too when dealing with the
                     a potential risk, which is why wavelength-specific eye   (really) very few patients who are reluctant to wear
                     protection must be used: everybody in the room has to   doggles – seriously, you will be surprised at how well
                     wear the specific protective glasses (Fig. 10.1). These   they accept them.
                     should be provided  by the laser manufacturer  and   A side note on doggles: one of the theories about why
                     follow international regulations; they should indicate   most patients seem to be quite relaxed with the doggles
                     the wavelengths they block and the optical density for   on is that because our animals can see at night (at least
                     each of them. These glasses offer limited protection,   better than we can), this means they can see a little of
                     though,  and  they  are intended  to  protect  you from   the near-infrared spectrum. Well, laser safety goggles

                     Figure 10.2 Patient wearing doggles for a sinus treatment.

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