Page 179 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Considering laser therapy for your practice                 165

                      off the laser if the therapy room door is opened), if   Postsurgical incisions: £10, $8–15, and €5–10
                      required.                                      Unless you are using very low-cost business models,
                                                                     this is  an almost  invisible extra  charge  on a surgery
                         10.3 How to charge for therapy              bill in case you decide to make it non-elective, but
                                     and when                        with enough surgeries  per week this  is a very  solid
                                                                     revenue stream. Yes, non-elective LT is an option:
                   Part of your implementation plan should be how    is bipolar coagulation elective to the owner because
                   much and when to charge for LT. Without a pricing   you just purchased it? The same applies here to a
                   structure, you risk performing treatments as freebies,   certain extent. Again, as a good surgeon, most of your
                   and this will be setting very low expectations if you   incisions don’t have trouble healing, but if you could
                   want to increase the price later on. Do not devalue   improve it even more, isn’t that valuable? Not con-
                   your clinical services, and consider that sometimes   vinced? Next  time you have a long wound/incision,
                   several  visits  are  necessary  to  get  an  improvement;   laser just the cranial (or caudal) half. You’ll almost
                   you  may regret  not charging  anything  for  that  time   certainly notice a difference in healing in as little as
                   and effort.                                       a few days.
                     The answer to the question about whether it is OK
                   to do any free laser treatments is very personal. These   Oral treatments: £10, $8–15, and €5–15
                   are examples of particular situations in which you may   A post-extraction or gingivectomy treatment takes
                   want to consider it.                              less than 2 minutes and makes a difference in terms
                                                                     of swelling and pain. Some of these will be a one-time
                   •  During the first week or 2 weeks that you are trying   treatment, and others can benefit from a second treat-
                      LT. Some manufacturers will allow you to have this   ment at the recheck. A full mouth gingivitis treatment
                      trial period, during which you may want to call in   may take up to 5 minutes.
                      some friends, treat your staff’s pets, or invite some
                      clients to try this new modality you are considering.  Wounds: £10–30, $15–35, and €12–30
                   •  You want to try treating a condition for which you   Not all wounds are the same size and severity/extension,
                      have not found any literature, and you are kind of   so the range of charges varies. Laser wound treatment
                      thinking, “I know it will not hurt, but can LT really   can be as short as 1 minute or as long as 15 minutes. If
                      help here?” Most cases will need a few sessions to   you are managing the wound with bandages, or if it is
                      respond. Again, remember the time you will spend   a wound that requires surgical or extensive treatment
                      on this case.                                  in this phase, consider the costs of it. You can charge a
                                                                     package price, including bandage changes and laser as
                     Here are some of the factors you will want to con-  part of routine wound management – this way you will
                   sider when setting your prices.                   not overwhelm the client.

                   •  Will LT be an adjunct treatment in the visit or will   Orthopedic procedures: £20–30, $25–35, and
                      the patient come just for the laser session?   €15–20
                   •  How much time will the session take? Note that it   You can consider starting to treat these patients even
                      can range from 90 seconds to 20–30 minutes.    before surgery; in some cases this has been shown to
                   •  Will the treatments be performed by the vets or the   decrease recovery time and improve quality of repair.
                      nurses?                                        This prep treatment would be the night before or the
                   •  How many treatments do I expect the patient will   morning of the surgery, and then often the charging
                      need?                                          structure mirrors the number of interactions with the
                                                                     patient in his surgical journey: one treatment postsur-
                     The following is a guide to help you formulate a plan;   gically (day of surgery, before you put on any bandage
                   it includes average pricing for the US, UK, and Spain,   if that is the case), one or two follow-up treatments (on
                   but you may change it according to your business   already scheduled follow-up visits) and ideally even-
                   model and demographics.                           tually blending into a rehabilitation plan that would
                                                                     include laser therapy.

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