Page 186 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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172                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                        the prescriptions and add LT for better multimodal   LT is compatible with your acupuncture treatments.
                        pain management.                                Unlike acupuncture, LT is tolerated by all patients; if
                                                                        you want to combine both, LT can help your patient
                                      11.2.2 Surgery                    feel more relaxed before you do any needling; otherwise
                                                                        you can choose to do the laser before or after the acu-
                     A few reconstructive surgeries will be avoided, and   puncture treatment.
                     hopefully some ear canal ablations  prevented … but   Except in some severe cases, acupuncture treatments
                     you still need to fixate your fractures, remove that   don’t need as many initial visits as LT: while you may
                     infected tooth that is causing a sinus, decompress that   initially want to do 3–5 laser treatments in a week, you
                     spine that has lost pain perception today, and so on.   will probably needle the patient only 1–2 times; explain
                     The change is that the fracture and socket will heal   to the owner that some visits will be shorter than others
                     faster and with less pain, and the spinal patient is likely   and try to schedule both things for the same day.
                     to have an improved recovery. Some cases will not be
                     that black-and-white, such as some partial cranial cru-           Laser acupuncture
                     ciate ligament tears.                              Acupuncture points can be stimulated in different
                        Laser can be used before, during, and after surgeries.   ways. The traditional “dry needle” (Fig. 11.4) and moxi-
                     Treating beforehand improves the metabolic state of   bustion (Fig. 11.5) techniques were complemented in
                     the tissue and this can manifest even as a significant dif-  the 20th century by electric stimulation of the points,
                     ference in force plate peak vertical force 8 weeks after a   which facilitated a stronger stimulus and greater stand-
                     TPLO. [284]  During certain surgical procedures, such as   ardization in terms of time, intensity, and frequency
                     after a non-oncological intestinal anastomosis or a cys-  of pulsing (Fig. 11.6). As the potential of laser therapy
                     totomy, laser can help you improve local oxygenation,   also spread in the last quarter of the 20th century, its
                     reduce inflammation, and kick-start healing – and you   use to stimulate such areas with different parameters
                     know how important that is after an anastomosis. Most
                     of your treatments will be postoperative, though, and
                     you will be getting faster and better healing in general
                     terms. You can review Chapters 7 and 9 for more details
                     and treatment protocols.

                                   11.2.3 Acupuncture

                     Acupuncture is one of the branches of Traditional
                     Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). Some practi-
                     tioners have a more traditional Chinese approach to
                     acupuncture based on TCVM theory, diagnosis, and
                     principles of treatment; others approach acupuncture
                     from a more westernized perspective, since the effects
                     can be explained (although not all, for the moment)
                     in contemporary medical terms. Several endocrine,
                     nervous, and immune mechanisms are involved, and a
                     PubMed search will give you an idea of how extensive
                     the research is concerning this topic. Having the best
                     scientific basis whenever possible is actually compat-
                     ible with a good knowledge of the traditional medical
                     system that began thousands of years ago and led to the
                     existence of the therapy we now try to explain in sci-
                     entific terms. It is a fascinating medical approach that
                     can broaden and change the way you work, and some
                     excellent courses are available for veterinarians.  Figure 11.4 Dry needle acupuncture in a cat.

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