Page 192 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 192

178                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice


                                                       Figure 11.11 Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.

                        nerve (Fig. 11.11). The dorsal needle shows point   dorsal midline, between the spinous processes of

                        GB-34. The ventral needle shows ST-36. Very com-   L2–L3 vertebrae (Fig. 11.12). Used for lumbar disk
                        monly used for gastrointestinal disorders, especially   problems and renal conditions, among others. Both

                        vomiting,  hindlimb  weakness,  and  general  pain   this point and  Bai-hui are the most efficacious

                        management.                                        points to warm up a patient – so those suffering
                     •  Bai-hui: located in the dorsal midline, at the lum-  from pain and weakness that worsen with cold
                        bosacral junction (L7–S1) – yes the same place     will be especially happy to have these points/areas
                        you would put a lumbosacral epidural (Fig. 11.12).   treated.

                        The cranial needle shows GV-4 (blue handle). The

                        caudal needle (red handle) shows Bai-hui. It is used   The time used to stimulate each point is very different

                        for hindlimb problems, including lumbosacral and   from needle retention; an average acupuncture session
                        coxofemoral conditions, among others.           takes about 20 minutes with the needles, but with laser
                     •  GV-4 (Ming-men): you can find this point on the   we will stimulate each point for seconds, depending on

                                                   GV-4  Bai-

                     Figure 11.12 Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.

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