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180                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     improving both histological and biomechanical param-  Pulsed magnetic field therapy (PMF)  uses  mag-
                     eters. [459]                                       netic fields to stimulate metabolism and healing pro-
                        Therapeutic ultrasound (TU) is frequently used for   cesses. It is also used to decrease  inflammation and
                     the treatment of connective tissue such as tendon and   pain, and can be combined with other modalities such
                     ligament injuries or scar tissue. The transmission of the   as LT, TU, and others. [463]  PMF therapy makes a great
                     pressure of ultrasonic waves from the skin to deeper   combination with LT, and can add to its physiological
                     layers of tissue improves blood flow, muscle relaxation,   effects; the author has observed this effect in musculo-
                     collagen production, and tissue remodeling through   skeletal pain and neurogenic bladder disorders.
                     thermal and non-thermal mechanisms. Some in vitro    Chiropractic and other manipulative techniques
                     and clinical studies show LT can be superior to ultra-  also combine very well with LT. In fact, chiropractors
                     sound in stimulating fibroblast activity, [136]  but compar-  have  been  some  of  the  first  to  incorporate  LT  into
                     ing different parameters necessarily produces different   their practices, on both the human and the veterinary
                     results; for instance, in the treatment of pain, LT is   side. Myofascial pain, trigger points, and low back
                     superior to TU in some studies, [460]  but then in others   pain are some of the common conditions treated. LT
                     (with low power and dose) TU has a more marked effect   prior to adjustments can help muscle relaxation and
                     on anti-inflammatory biomarkers. The combination is   ease manipulation. A clinical study in human patients
                     possibly synergistic: a study on experimental tendon   suffering from cervical pain due to vertebral facet dys-
                     injury showed both TU and LT increased the amount   function reported a potentiated efficacy when both chi-
                     of collagen production and the percentage of type I   ropractic adjustments and LT were combined: patients
                     collagen, but the combination of both was even more   improved their cervical mobility and reported less
                     effective, especially if LT was applied prior to TU. [138]  A   intense pain. [464]
                     synergy in the analgesic effects was also described in a
                     clinical trial using LT and TU for the treatment of hand   11.2.5 Stem cells and platelet-rich plasma
                     osteoarthritis. [461]
                        Low-level electrical currents are often used in the   Some of the most incredible advances in medicine are
                     form of transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS)   taking place in the fields of stem cell therapy, tissue
                     and neuromuscular  electrical  stimulation  (NMES).   engineering, and other areas of regenerative medicine.
                     TENS provides analgesia by affecting the threshold and   The aims of LT and other modalities of regenerative
                     pathway of pain, while NMES use the electric impulse   medicine are to increase tissue regeneration and mod-
                     to stimulate muscle contraction (Fig. 11.15). Laser can   ulate inflammation; therefore it makes sense to think
                     be used with both in the same or separate sessions. LT   there could be a potential synergy among them. That
                     before NMES can potentially help the patient make the   is why, among the ways to enhance cell viability and
                     most of the NMES, since according to animal models   proliferation, researchers have investigated LT.
                     and human clinical studies it will improve the metabo-  Stem cells are not just interesting because they can
                     lism and contraction ability of the muscle and decrease   multiply once implanted to replenish a tissue; they also
                     muscle fatigue, exhaustion, and muscle stress indica-  produce  trophic  factors  with  a  paracrine  action,  i.e.
                     tors. [462]                                        they stimulate the growth of the host’s own cells locally,
                                                                        increase vascularization, and modulate inflammation.
                                                                        Stem cells can be obtained from embryos, fetuses, or
                                                                        adults. Most clinical and preclinical studies use cells
                                                                        from adults, either from the same (autologous) or a
                                                                        different (heterologous) individual of the same species.
                                                                        Let’s focus on adult stromal/mesenchymal stem cells
                                                                        (MSCs): these can be harvested from the bone marrow,
                                                                        adipose tissue, bone, dental pulp, periodontal ligament,
                                                                        and other locations. The stem cells we are starting to
                                                                        use in clinical practice are either from the bone marrow
                     Figure 11.15 Feline patient receiving TENS therapy and   (BM-MSCs) or adipose tissue (AD-MSCs). So we either
                     simultaneous infrared heating.                     perform a bone marrow aspirate (easier than it sounds),

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