Page 193 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Implementation of laser therapy in practice                 179

                   Figure 11.13 Suggested scanning of the hip and lateral
                   femoral area.
                   Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.

                   the desired dose and output power (usually 10 to 60 s,
                   although some studies take up to several minutes to
                   achieve a certain dose if they use a low power device).
                     Another way to stimulate meridians in painful areas
                   with the laser is the scanning technique, locally trailing
                   a meridian pathway. This is preferably done in contact

                   mode, using either your acupuncture hand-piece or a
                   slightly wider one. For this method, a higher power can
                   be used, since you will be moving the probe. Here are
                   some examples of this technique.                  Figure 11.14 Suggested scanning of the lateral elbow area.
                                                                     Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.
                   •  Scan the Gall Bladder meridian (Fig. 11.13). In
                      the hip area, it covers the greater trochanter from     11.2.4 Other physical modalities
                      cranial to caudal, and following the tract of the
                      sciatic nerve distally, travels to the fourth digit of   LT is synergistic with most physical therapies and

                      the pelvic limb.                               modalities  of regenerative medicine in its effects of
                   •  Scan the Large Intestine meridian in the elbow (Fig.   stimulation of healing and decrease in inflammation

                      11.14). This meridian starts in the third digit and   and pain. LT is not a substitute for a full rehabilita-

                      travels proximally to the nose. In the craniolateral   tion plan, but becomes an important part of almost
                      aspect of the elbow, it runs between the extensor   all of them once you integrate LT into your practice.
                      carpi radialis and the common digital extensor   Experience will help you decide which modalities
                      muscles, medial to the lateral epicondyle, and from   or combinations of them make more sense for each
                      there up to the acromion. We would treat from   patient and each recovery phase.
                      LI–8/9 (proximal radius) to LI–12/13 (distal third   Application of cryotherapy after LT is not recom-

                      of humerus).                                   mended, since this would decrease blood flow after we
                   •  Scan the Bladder meridian in a paravertebral treat-  have enhanced it. What about local cold prior to LT?

                      ment. This meridian starts at the eye, runs over the   That can actually be a great idea; recent studies show
                      head and lateral to the spine and then travels down   light penetration can be enhanced with prior cryother-

                      the lateral aspect of the hindlimb. The points will   apy. [458]  This could be due to the reduction in skin and
                      change depending on the spinal segments treated,   underlying tissue microcirculation (therefore less light
                      but there are Bladder points lateral to each vertebral   is absorbed by hemoglobin and plasmatic water and
                      spinous process from T1 to L7 (also in the dorsolat-  more can travel through the tissue). Also, an experi-
                      eral aspect of the neck).                      mental study showed cryotherapy followed by LT had
                                                                     a synergistic effect on the recovery of tendon injuries,

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