Page 196 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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182                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                                                                        several  species: in  a rabbit  model  where the  Achilles
                                                                        tendon was damaged and treated with either therapy
                                                                        alone or in combination, both modalities by themselves
                                                                        led to a better repair when compared to no treatment
                                                                        (with no significant differences between them), but the
                                                                        combined treatment with PRP and LT was even more
                                                                        efficient. [143]  The same was found in tenotomized rats,
                                                                        in which adding the two modalities enhanced type
                                                                        I collagen in the repaired tendon. [481]  Similar results
                                                                        were seen in rat injured muscle: the combination of
                                                                        both therapies produced better histological scores than
                                                                        with either of them separately. [482]  The same research
                                                                        group had previously found this combination also
                                                                        reduced the oxidative stress resulting from stretch-
                                                                        ing injuries and modulated collagen production even
                                                                        better than the therapies did individually. [483]  Although
                                                                        not all experiments conclude there is an additive
                                                                        effect, [484]  at least there is no contraindication to trying
                                                                        this combination.
                                                                          In fact, all three modalities can be combined. A clini-
                                                                        cal study (mentioned previously) reported good results
                                                                        with stem cells in combination with PRP to treat unilat-
                                                                        eral partial tears (≤ 50% as confirmed by arthroscopy)
                                                                        of cruciate ligaments. Those cases underwent a reha-
                     Figure 11.16 Applying LT over the hip area after stem cell   bilitation program after the intra-articular  injection,
                     infiltration of the joint in a case of severe hip OA.  which included LT and manual therapy once a week
                                                                        and a home exercise program for the first 8 weeks.
                     guess is that the answers to most or all of them will be   Three months after treatment, a significant change
                     positive, but (again!) research has to demonstrate the   was observed in functionality, pain, and arthroscopic
                     optimal parameters, and clinical studies will take many   parameters, including formation of new blood vessels
                     years. Meanwhile, I suggest you treat those areas with   and changes in fiber arrangement. [298]
                     moderate dose and power, according to the depth of   Like any new modality, we will continue to learn
                     the location and the state of the local tissue. That means   which treatments synergize with laser to best help our
                     for a wound/burn/superficial lesion you would use 1–4   patients. And I’m sorry, but if you wait to see double-
                     J/cm , but about double for deeper-seated locations   blinded studies with each possible permutation of treat-
                     (Fig. 11.16).                                      ments (control, laser + stem cells, stem cells + PRP, PRP
                        The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is also becom-  + acupuncture, etc.), pull up a chair because it will be
                     ing more and more popular, as it is relatively easy to   a while, especially with all the corporate interest (and
                     obtain and more affordable than stem cell therapy.   conflicts of interest) out there between companies.
                     Although  experimental  studies  show  positive  results,   But whether or not you expect to see a benefit from
                     not  all  clinical  studies  do.  For  instance,  PRP  did   laser boils down to the question of whether whichever
                     improve functionality and pain scores in dogs with   treatment you intend to enhance will benefit from
                     OA, [479]  but did not enhance osteotomy healing in dogs   better local circulation, tissue oxygenation, and cellular
                     undergoing surgery for cruciate ligament rupture. [480]    metabolism in the treatment area. If yes, then yes, laser
                     The combination of PRP and LT has been studied in   will help.

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