Page 140 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 140

122  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                      6.5  Capillary in greater omentum (dog). The capil-
                                                                      lary wall comprises a tube of squamous epithelial cells
                                                                      (endothelium). The nuclei of the endothelial cells
                                                                      protrude slightly into the lumen. Endothelial cells are
                                                                      often accompanied by pericytes, cells of mesodermal
                                                                      origin that lie on the outer surface of the endothe-
                                                                      lium. Goldner’s Masson trichrome stain (x250).

                      Based on its multiple functions, the endothelium lining  arterioles (metarterioles). These vessels provide temporary
                   capillary walls is classified as a transport epithelium (see  resistance to blood flow by way of precapillary sphincters.
                   Chapter 2, ‘Epithelial tissue’).               They are innervated by adrenergic nerve fibres. Changes
                      Three types of capillary can be distinguished; their  in the diameter of these vessels alters vascular resistance
                   structure is related to the tissues and organs in which they  and thus has a direct influence on blood pressure and blood
                   are located (Figure 6.2).                      flow through the capillary bed (Figure 6.12).
                                                                     Capillary blood flow is also regulated by arteriovenous
                   Continuous capillaries                         anastomoses. These specialised structures shunt blood
                   Capillaries lacking physical interruptions (non-fenestrated  directly from arteries to venules, bypassing the capillary
                   capillaries, endotheliocytus nonfenestratus) are by far the  bed (Figure 6.12, see also below).
                   most common type of capillary found in the body. Their   The role of the capillary endothelium in the transfer
                   wall is relatively thick, limiting rapid trans-epithelial trans-  of substances between the blood and the tissues has been
                   port. They contain abundant pinocytotic vesicles. The  described above. In addition, the vascular endothelium has
                   barrier function of continuous capillaries is further rein-  several other important functions:
                   forced by a layered basal lamina and numerous pericytes
                   (e.g. in brain and muscle capillaries).          ·  synthesis of vasoconstrictors (endothelin) and vaso-
                                                                      dilators (nitrous oxide and prostacyclin),
                   Fenestrated capillaries                          ·  regulation of inflammation and immune responses
                   This type of capillary is found mainly in tissues in which large   (synthesis of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, expression of adhesion
                   volumes of fluid are exchanged at a rapid rate (e.g. capil-  molecules   and histocompatibility antigens),
                   laries involved in filtration in the glomerulus, absorption in   ·  synthesis of anticoagulants (thrombomodulin, hepa-
                   the renal tubules, capillary loops in the intestinal mucosa,   rin-like molecules) and
                   exocrine and endocrine organs). The endothelium (endothe-  ·  regulation of cell growth by synthesis of growth
                   liocytus fenestratus) is markedly flattened and is interrupted   factors and inhibitors.
                   in a sieve-like fashion by numerous openings (fenestrae). The
                   fenestrae are usually covered by a diaphragm. When the dia-  Blood vessels
                   phragm is lacking, the openings are referred to as pores.
                   Sinusoidal capillaries (vas capillare sinusoideum)  For functional reasons, the structure of larger vessels
                   Sinusoidal (discontinuous) capillaries, or sinusoids, are  (arteries, arterioles, veins and venules) varies between
                   characterised by intercellular spaces, a typically discon-  the high- and low-pressure systems, and within individual
                   tinuous or absent basal lamina, numerous pores and  organs. Nevertheless, the basic structure of the vascular
                   an irregular shape. This type of capillary enables rapid  wall is consistent (Figures 6.6 to 6.12 and Table 6.1), con-
                   exchange of metabolic substances (e.g. in the liver, spleen,  stituting three concentrically positioned tubes:
                   adenohypophysis, adrenal cortex and bone marrow).
                   Phagocytic cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system   ·  tunica intima (interna) comprising the
                   are often associated with the wall of the sinusoid.    − endothelium,
                      Blood flow through the capillary bed is regulated by the     − stratum subendotheliale (subendothelial layer) and
                   contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of precapillary

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