Page 234 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 234

216  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  tions of the lamina propria lined with simple epithelium                                                (epithelium mucosae) (Figures 10.48 to 10.50).
                                                                     Intestinal villi  (length 0.5–1.5 mm, density 20–40/
                                                                  mm ) contribute significantly to the total mucosal surface
                                                                  area. In carnivores the villi are long and slender, while
                                                                  those of ruminants are short and wide. In all domestic
                                                                  mammals, the villi are longest in the jejunum, and shorter
                                                                  in the duodenum and ileum (Figures 10.48 to 10.51).

                                                                  MUCOSAL EPITHELIUM (EPITHELIUM MUCOSAE)
                                                                  Microvilli projecting from the mucosal epithelial cells
                                                                  form a dense border that considerably increases the
                                                                  absorptive intestinal surface area. Thus, the internal lin-
                   10.51  Scanning electron micrograph of intestinal villi   ing of the small intestine is enlarged by the combination
                   after removal of the intestinal contents (sheep; x14).  of plicae circulares, intestinal villi and microvilli lining the
                                                                  epithelial cells of the villi.

                   10.52  Scanning electron micrograph of
                   the sides of columnar enterocytes in the
                   intestinal mucosa (sheep; x2500).

                   10.53  Wall of the duodenum with intestinal villi and   10.54  Tunica mucosa of the jejunum with mucosa
                   duodenal glands (Brunner’s glands) (pig). Haematoxylin   and lamina propria mucosae (intestinal villi) (sheep).
                   and eosin stain (x40).                         Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x120).

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