Page 235 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 235

Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   217

                     In addition to the projections from its surface, the mucosa  protection of the intestinal surface by mucus is typically lack-  is characterised by invaginations of the lamina propria in  ing at this time, the protracted cellular lifespan can increase
                  the form of straight, non-branching tubular intestinal  vulnerability to gastrointestinal infection (e.g. diarrhoea)
                  glands (glandulae intestinales, crypts of Lieberkühn)  in newborn animals. As the intestinal glands also undergo
                  (Figures 10.50 and 10.54 to 10.57). Undifferentiated epi-  postnatal development, the capacity for rapid replacement
                  thelial cells (epitheliocyti nondifferentiati) at the base  of shed epithelial cells is not yet fully developed.
                  of the glands undergo constant mitotic division. Daughter   The intestinal villi and the walls of the intestinal glands
                  cells migrate towards the lumen to the tip of the intestinal  are lined by a simple columnar epithelium incorporating
                  villi where they replace continuously desquamating cells,  several cell types that vary in structure and function:
                  thus serving to regenerate the absorptive surface.
                     The lifespan of an intestinal epithelial cell is generally   ·  enterocytes (epitheliocyti columnares villi),
                  10–14 days in neonates and 2–5 days in adults. The relatively   ·  goblet cells (epitheliocyti caliciformes),
                  long lifespan in juveniles facilitates intra-epithelial mul-  ·  endocrine cells (endocrinocyti gastrointestinales) and
                  tiplication of microbial pathogens within the mucosa. As   ·  Paneth cells (exocrinocyti cum granulis acidophilis).

                  10.55  Transverse section of jejunum (cat). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x12).

                  10.56  Transverse section of ileum (pig). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x42).

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