Page 245 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 245

Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   227

                            Interlobular vein                                           Portal canal      Interlobular bile duct                                          artery and vein, and
                                                                                        including interlobular
                             Hepatic artery
                                                                                        interlobular bile duct

                                                                                        Central vein

                                                            1  2  3
                             Liver cell plates
                            Hepatic sinusoid                                            Liver lobule
                             Vasa capillaria
                               interlobaria                                             Loose connective
                            Interlobular bile                                           tissue
                            Interlobular vein
                          Interlobular artery                                           Sublobular veins

                            Sublobular veins
                                                1 = Zona peripheralis, 2 = Zona intermedia, 3 = Zona centralis
                  10.68  Three-dimensional reconstruction of liver lobules illustrating the three metabolically active zones (zona
                  peripheralis, zona intermedia and zona centralis) and vascular supply.

                  The hepatic artery passes into the liver together with the  liver. Together with the deep lymph vessels, they drain into
                  portal vein. Its branches, the interlobular arteries, accom-  the hepatic lymph nodes (lnn. hepatici).
                  pany the interlobular veins. Both vascular systems lie at
                  the external boundary of the liver lobules and, together   LIVER LOBULE (LOBULUS HEPATICUS)
                  with an interlobular bile duct (ductus interlobularis bil-  The liver is composed of lobules. Lobule formation is
                  ifer) occupy the portal canal (Figure 10.68). Within the  influenced by the distribution of hepatic vessels during
                  interlobular connective tissue, the interlobular arteries  embryonic development. Hepatic lobules are structural
                  and veins undergo terminal division into arterioles and  and functional units comprising hepatocytes of ectoder-
                  venules, then capillaries (vasa capillaria interlobularia)  mal origin and mesodermally derived sinusoids. They are

                  that enter the liver lobules at right angles to the portal  defined in different ways (Figure 10.69), according to the
                  canal.                                         vascular structure, or structures, that form(s) the central
                     Immediately after entering the lobule, the arterial and  axis (portal canal, branches of the interlobular arteries
                  venous systems unite with the sinus capillaries (hepatic  and veins or the central vein). The resulting units are the:
                  sinusoids, vasa sinusoidea) (Figure 10.68), which contain
                  mixed arterio-venous blood.                      ·  portal lobule (= functional unit, emphasises the
                     The sinusoids are thin-walled vessels with a relatively   glandular, exocrine nature of the liver),
                  large lumen. They are radially arranged, passing inwards   ·  hepatic acinus (vascular focus, reflects the meta-
                  from the outer edge of each liver lobule. At the middle   bolic function of the liver) and
                  of the lobule the sinusoids converge to form the central   ·  classic polyhedral liver lobule with central vein
                  vein (v. centralis) (Figures 10.68, 10.70, 10.71 and 10.73).   (morphological unit of the liver).
                  Within the lobules, the sinusoids pass between hepatic cell
                  plates, or laminae (laminae hepatis), permitting exten-  In the portal lobule (represented by lines connecting the
                  sive exchange between the blood and hepatocytes. The  central veins of three adjacent liver lobules), the portal
                  central veins merge to form the contractile sublobular  canal is at the centre and the drainage area of its com-

                  veins (Figure 10.68) and then hepatic veins that drain  ponent bile canaliculi is circumscribed. In this view of the
                  collectively into the caudal vena cava.        liver lobule, emphasis is placed on the glandular (secre-
                     The liver contains an extensive network of  lymph  tory) function of the liver (Figure 10.69, A).
                  vessels. Lymph drains into deep lymph vessels in the inter-  The definition of the lobule as a hepatic acinus views
                  stitial connective tissue, which pass to the superficial zones  the lobule as a vascular unit supplied by the interlobular
                  of the liver. Lymph vessels leave the liver at the hepatic  arteries and veins (Figure 10.69, B). An acinus comprises
                  porta. Superficial lymph capillary networks associated  an interlobular artery and vein, their terminal branches
                  with the tunica subserosa also converge at the hilus of the  (as its central axis) and portions of the two immediately

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