Page 248 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 248

230  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   10.72  Portal canal (pig). The bile duct is characterised by simple cuboidal epithelium. Goldner’s Masson tri-
                   chrome stain (x250).

                   10.73  Middle of a hepatic lobule with hepatic sinusoid opening into central vein (dog). Haematoxylin and
                   eosin stain (x400).

                   the hepatocyte by facilitating phagocytosis and substance  mic vacuoles). In certain pathological processes, these cells
                   transport and influencing the microcirculation.  can differentiate into myofibroblast-like cells that appear to
                      The space encloses collagen fibres (type III), fibrocytes,  contribute to hepatic fibrosis.
                   adipocytes (Ito cells) and adrenergic nerve fibres. It is con-
                   stantly bathed in protein-rich fluid (plasma). Hepatocyte  Hepatocyte (hepatocytus)
                   microvilli project into the space, promoting metabolic  Liver cells, or hepatocytes, are arranged in plates or lami-
                   exchange with the sinusoids. Pathological processes may  nae (laminae hepatis). The laminae form a spongiform
                   result in an increase in the collagen fibre content of the  three-dimensional  system that  encloses the network
                   perisinusoidal space, leading to a reduction or interrup-  of hepatic sinusoids. The plates radiate outwards from
                   tion of the metabolic function of the affected parenchyma.  the  central vein. Hepatocytes have a long lifespan.
                                                                  Degenerating or dead cells can, to some extent, be replaced
                   ito cells                                      slowly by mitosis.
                   Adipocytes within the perisinusoidal space (Ito cells) serve   Individual hepatocytes (Figures 10.74, 10.75 and 10.79)
                   as a reservoir of fat and vitamins A, D and K (in cytoplas-  are 15–30 μm, polyhedral and have a typically spherical

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