Page 292 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 292

274  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   12.27  Cross-section of ureter with transitional epi-  12.28  Wall of ureter with mucous glands (horse).
                   thelium, deeply folded mucosa and layered tunica   Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x100).
                   muscularis (pig). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x36).

                     5–6 secondary branches. In the extrarenal portion of the   Bladder (vesica urinaria)
                     ureter, the lamina propria underlying the transitional    The bladder is lined internally by transitional epithe-
                     epithelium is particularly substantial. The loose connec-  lium. Depending on the degree of filling, the number of
                     tive tissue is supported by bundles of elastic fibres and   cell layers visible in the epithelium ranges from 2–3 in the
                     may contain lymphocytic infiltrates. The tunica muscu-  distended bladder to 10–14 in the contracted state (Figure
                     laris is thickened along the extra-renal portion by circular   12.29). Specialisations of the epithelium serve to protect
                     and longitudinal smooth muscle bundles. Reinforcement   the underlying tissues against the hypertonic urine. The
                     is provided near the cloaca by an additional layer of lon-  outer layer of the trilaminar plasmalemma (unit mem-
                     gitudinal muscle. The ureter enters the dorsolateral wall   brane) is thickened. The cellular barrier is reinforced by
                     of the cloaca, opening into the urodeum.     bundles of subplasmalemmal filaments and membrane

                   12.29  Contracted bladder with deep mucosal folds   12.30  Smooth muscle of bladder wall with spiral fibre
                   resulting in apparent segmentation of the lumen   orientation (goat). Goldner’s Masson trichrome stain
                   (goat). Goldner’s Masson trichrome stain (x30).  (x250).

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