Page 287 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Urinary system (organa urinaria)   269

                  the apical cell surface there is a brush border (microvilli, up  infoldings of the plasma membrane in which mitochondria  to 1 μm in length) that can be seen with the light micro-  are localised. The basal labyrinth plays an important role
                  scope. The cytoplasm is acidophilic, and the cell borders  in the reabsorption of electrolytes and water. Sodium
                  are indistinct. Basally, prominent striations are formed by  ions are transported by ion pumps (Mg -dependent Na -/
                  invaginations of the plasmalemma enclosing stacks of  K -activated ATPase) into the  expanded  extracellular
                  elongated mitochondria. The brush border is coated by  space. Energy is supplied by ATP produced by the abun-
                  a glycocalyx containing membrane enzymes (e.g. alka-  dant local mitochondria. Chloride ions and water passively
                  line phosphatase, peptidases). The glycocalyx is visible by   follow the actively transported Na . The removal of Na
                  electron microscopy.                           and Cl  ions from the base of the cell maintains a gradient
                     At the base of the microvilli, the cytoplasm contains  between the tubular lumen and the surrounding capillar-
                  numerous vesicles and tubular infoldings of the cell  ies, driving absorption of Na  from the glomerular filtrate.
                  membrane. In addition, the apical portion of the cell   By the end of the proximal tubule, over two-thirds of the
                  contains large numbers of lysosomes, peroxisomes and  water filtered by the glomerulus has been reabsorbed from
                  resorption vacuoles  (Figures 12.20 and 12.21). These  the tubular lumen. This passes through the epithelium into
                  organelles are required for the extensive trans-epithelial  the peri-tubular capillary system. Trans-epithelial fluid trans-
                  uptake of substances from the tubular lumen. The absorp-  port is facilitated by the oncotic pressure of the highly viscous
                  tive capacity of the cell is increased considerably by the  blood in the postglomerular vessels. Other processes occur-
                  density of microvilli in the brush border (up to 7000 per  ring in the wall of the proximal convoluted tubule include:
                  cell). The cells of the proximal tubule are responsible for:
                                                                   ·  reabsorption of bicarbonate and glucose via mem-
                   ·  reabsorption of proteins and amino acids by pinocy-  brane transport proteins and
                      tosis (transcellular pathway) and            ·  gluconeogenesis in the peroxisomes, via energy sup-
                   ·  active  transport  of  sodium  into  the  intercellular   plied by fatty acids.
                      space (paracellular pathway).
                                                                 The epithelium of the proximal tubule also  secretes
                  Proteins passing through the apical cell membrane are taken  various substances. Products of metabolism and foreign
                  up and enzymatically degraded by lysosomes. Peptides are  substances (e.g. drugs) are actively secreted. Electrolytes,
                  cleaved by membrane enzymes (e.g. aminopeptidases,  NH  ions and H  ions pass passively from the cell into the
                  transferases) to form amino acids. Under normal condi-  tubular lumen.
                  tions, the urine that is finally excreted is free of proteins.  Species variation
                     At the base of the epithelium, extensive interdigitation
                  of branching processes of neighbouring cells gives rise to   Dog: In the Dalmatian, the liver enzyme uricase appears
                  a basal labyrinth. In histological section, this appears as   to be biologically unavailable, limiting the capacity for

                  12.18  Section of renal medulla (dog). Goldner’s Masson   12.19  Straight portion of collecting duct (ductus colli-
                  trichrome stain (x480).                        gens rectus) in the renal crest (dog). Goldner’s Masson
                                                                 trichrome stain (x480).

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