Page 299 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Male reproductive system (organa genitalia masculina)   281

                  tus and the centrioles. Spermiogenesis is accompanied by   ·  Golgi phase,  constant exchange of materials between the germ cells   ·  cap phase,
                  and the adjacent sustentacular cells. During this process,
                                                                   ·  acrosomal phase and
                  the sustentacular cells surround and stabilise the heads of
                  the spermatids while the spermatid tails form a sheaf-like   ·  maturation phase.
                  projection beyond the cytoplasm of the sustentacular cells
                  into the tubular lumen.                        In the Golgi phase numerous small vesicles develop in the
                     Spermatid (spermatidium):  Spermatids  (Figures  Golgi apparatus. The vesicles contain dense granules rich
                  13.4 to 13.7) are formed by meiotic division of second-  in glycoprotein (pro-acrosomal granules). Eventually the
                  ary spermatocytes. They are smaller than spermatocytes.  vesicles merge to form a single acrosomal vesicle contain-
                  Spermatids are haploid, and the DNA content of the sec-  ing a dense acrosomal granule. The acrosomal vesicle
                  ondary spermatocytes is reduced by half (see also Chapter  translocates to the nucleus and contacts the outer nuclear
                  1, ‘The Cell’, ‘Meiosis’). Spermatids are initially located  membrane. This establishes a cellular polarity upon which
                  near the lumen of the tubule. During spermiogenesis,  further differentiation is based. The acrosomal vesicle
                  spermatids undergo a centrifugal–centripetal migration  increases in size and becomes flattened.
                  that takes them towards the basement membrane and then   During the cap phase, the acrosomal vesicle becomes
                  back in the direction of the lumen. Maturation processes  moulded around the nucleus, covering more than half
                  occurring in the spermatid nucleus and cytoplasm (Figure  of its proximal aspect. The acrosomal vesicle becomes
                  13.7) can be divided into the:                 the  acrosomal  (head) cap with an  inner  and  outer

                  13.7  Developmental phases of spermatids during spermatogenesis in the bull (schematic).

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