Page 388 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 388

370  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR CHAMBERS                  through the pupil into the anterior chamber (camera  nal chamber of the bulb bounded by the posterior surface   anterior bulbi) from whence it passes, at the iridocorneal
                   The anterior chamber (camera anterior bulbi) is an inter-
                                                                    angle, through the pectinate ligament into the spaces
                   of the cornea and the anterior surface of the iris. It com-
                   municates with the posterior chamber (camera posterior   of Fontana of the cilioscleral sinus (Figure 16.14). From
                   bulbi) via the pupil (Figure 16.11 and 16.13). The walls of   there it diffuses into the wide, usually bipartite scleral
                   the posterior chamber are formed by the posterior sur-  venous sinus, which is located more superficially in
                   face of the iris, the ciliary body, the anterior surface of   birds than in domestic mammals. In owls, the aqueous
                   the vitreous body and the lens. The anterior and posterior   humour contains mucous substances secreted by the
                   chambers contain a clear watery fluid, aqueous humour,   posterior corneal epithelium, making anterior chamber
                   containing electrolytes, glucose, amino acids and ascorbic   paracentesis more difficult in these birds.
                   acid. The concentration of these substances in aqueous
                   humour differs from that in plasma.            Accessory organs of the eye
                      Production of aqueous humour is a complex process in
                   which the blood–aqueous barrier (between the capillaries  Eyelids (palpebrae)
                   and epithelium of the ciliary processes) plays an important  The eyelids provide protection for the bulbs. In conjunc-
                   role. Aqueous humour is produced primarily by active  tion with the precorneal tear film, they cleanse the anterior
                   transport of Na  ions across the ciliary epithelium and by  surface of the eye and prevent it from desiccating. The
                   osmotic transport of fluid into the posterior chamber. From   palpebral reflex is an important component of this protec-
                   the posterior chamber, aqueous humour flows through the  tive mechanism. In addition to an upper and lower eyelid
                   pupil into the anterior chamber. At the iridocorneal angle  (palpebra superior and inferior), domestic mammals have
                   (angulus iridocornealis) (Figures 16.16 and 16.33), the fluid  a conjunctival fold referred to as the third eyelid (palpebra
                   drains through the spaces in the ligamentum pectinatum  tertia) (Figures 16.34 and 16.35).
                   into the trabecular meshwork (within the cilioscleral sinus)
                   and then into the scleral venous sinus (plexus venosus   UPPER AND LOWER EYELIDS (PALPEBRA SUPERIOR
                   sclerae). Certain plasma proteins are also reabsorbed by dif-  ET INFERIOR)
                   fusion through capillary walls. Aqueous humour provides  The upper and lower eyelids have a fibre-rich connective
                   nutritional support for the avascular cornea and the lens.  tissue core that is continued at the free eyelid margin by
                                                                  the tarsal plate (tarsus palpebralis) (Figure 16.34). At the
                     Species variation                            base of the eyelids, circular bands of striated muscle (m.
                     Birds:  As in mammals, the anterior and posterior   orbicularis oculi) extend through the connective tissue and
                     chambers contain aqueous humour, which is secreted   merge with the tarsal plate and the m. tarsalis.
                     continuously by the inner epithelial layer of the pars cili-
                     aris retinae into the posterior chamber. Aqueous flows

                   16.33  Scanning electron microscope image of the trabecular system in the iridocorneal angle (horse; x15).

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