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Index  399

                     sclera 354                   cardiovascular system 119–30     location 24    internal structures 368–70     arteries 125–6                  inner membrane 24
                                                    blood vessels 122–9
                                                                                   nuclear envelope 23, 24, 30
                      species variation 354–5
                                                     arterioles 126–7
                      anterior and posterior chambers
                                                                                     lysis of 28
                     lens 368–9                       arteriovenous specialisations 129      outer membrane 24
                                                                                   nucleoplasm 24–5
                                                     innervation 125
                      species variation 369, 370     nutritional 125                chromatin 25–6
                      vitreous body 369              structure 122–5               number, size, shape, position 23–4
                    neural tunic 358–68              veins 127–9                   volume 23
                      neurosensory retina 361–4      venules 129                 cell surface specialisations 32–8
                      neurosensory retina of birds     capillaries 119–22          apical surface specialisations 32–4
                        365–7                        continuous 122                 cilia 33
                      nutritional support of the retina      fenestrated 122        microvilli 32–3
                        364                          sinusoidal 122                 stereocilia 34
                      optic nerve 367–8             heart 129–30                   basal surface specialisations 37–8
                      retinal pigment epithelium 360–1      conducting system 130      basement membrane 37–8
                      species variation 368       carotenoid pigments 365            focal adhesions 37
                    schematic 353f                carotenoids 311                   hemidesmosomes 37
                    structure 353                 carrier protein 4, 5, cartilage 76    lateral surface specialisations 34–6
                    vascular tunic 355–8          cartilage formation (chondrogenesis)       direct contacts 34
                     choroid 355                        77                           indirect contacts 34–6
                      ciliary body 355–6          cartilago extracolumellaris 374  cell-mediated immunity 64, 142, 147, 148
                      innervation of iris and ciliary   catecholamines 175–6     cellular digestion 4–5
                        body 358                  catenin 35                     cellular metabolism 4–16
                     iris 356–7                   CCK see cholecystokinin          cell matrix 8
                      species variation 355, 356, 357–8  CD4 helper T cells 147, 148    endosomal system 8
                  bulbar conjunctiva 371          CD8 cytotoxic T cells 147, 148    intracellular 8
                  bursa sterni 344                cell 1–38, 156                   lysosomes 9–10
                  bursa of Fabricius 142            association 283                 structure 9–10
                  butyric acid 210                  cell surface specializations 32–8    mechanisms of substrate uptake 5–8
                                                    colonies 136                   membrane transport 5
                  C cells 170, 177                  columns 173                    organelles of anabolism 10–13
                  C fibres 113                      contractility and motility 16–21      endoplasmic reticulum 11
                  caecum 223                        exogenous and endogenous cellular      ribosomes 10–11
                    chicken 225                         inclusions 21–2              rough endoplasmic reticulum
                  calcareous shell 323              growth and division 26–32          11–12
                  calcified bone matrix 83          metabolism 4–16                  smooth endoplasmic reticulum
                  calcitonin 81, 167                migration 37                       12–13
                  Call-Exner bodies 306             volume 23                      organelles of cellular respiration and
                  cAMP see second messenger cyclic   cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) 34, 35  energy production 14–16
                        AMP                       cell growth and division 26–32     mitochondria 14–16
                  CAMs see cell adhesion molecules    amitosis 27                  organelles of protein modification
                  canaliculi 83, 87                 cell cycle 27–30                   and vesicular trafficking 13–14
                  capacitance veins 242              amitosis 30                     Golgi apparatus 13–14
                  capillaries 129–30  schematic capillary      endomitosis 30      peroxisomes 10
                        bed 125f                     interphase 27–8               vesicular transport 5
                    types 120, 122                    mitotic (M) phase 26, 28–9     endocytosis 5–7
                     continuous 122                 cell death 30–2                 exocytosis 7–8
                     fenestrated 122                 apoptosis 31–2              cellular secretions 14
                     sinusoidal 122                  necrosis 31                 cementocytes 189
                  capillary tuft (glomerulus) 264–5    endomitosis 27            cementum 189
                    basement membrane 265           growth phase (interphase) 26  central arteries 159
                    endothelial cells 265           meiosis 27, 30               central canal 382
                  capitulum 283                       meiosis I (reductional division) 30  central intermediate substance 382
                  capsula adiposa 258                 meiosis II (equatorial division) 30  central medullary veins 171
                  capsula fibrosa 258               cell membrane 1–38           central nervous system (CNS) 109, 116,
                  capsular (pericellular) matrix 77  cell membrane structure 1–4       381–8
                  cardiac gland region 201          lipid bilayer 2                cerebellum 385–8
                  cardiac glands 201                membrane proteins 3              granule cell layer 385–6
                  cardiac muscle 99–102              integral 3                      molecular layer 385
                    impulse generation and conduction      peripheral 3              Purkinje cell layer 385
                        pathways 102                plasmalemma 3–4                cerebral cortex 386–8
                    Purkinje fibres 101             polysaccharides 3              cerebral white matter 388
                    structure 99–102              cell nucleus 1, 22–6             cerebrum 386–8

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