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Index  403

                  flexura phalli 300              germ cell migration 285           intra-epithelial 51–2  foliate papillae 185          GH cell 164                    glandular mucosa 194, 198
                                                                                     structural elements 61
                                                  germinal epithelium 302
                  folds (plicae circulares) 214
                                                                                 glandular phallic sac 300
                  follicle wall 308, 310
                                                  GHIH see growth hormone-inhibiting
                  follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
                        165, 277                  GHRH see growth hormone-releasing   glandular secretion reservoirs 292
                                                                                 glandular stomach 210, 211
                  follicles 168, 302                    hormone                  glassy membrane 334
                    primary 308                   glands 180, 251                glia limitans 116
                    secondary 308                   accessory glands of male     glial cells 109, 114–18, 361, 381, 382
                    tertiary 308                        reproductive system        central nervous system 116–18
                  follicular atresia 308              bulbourethral glands 293, 296     astrocytes 116
                  follicular cells 169–70, 302        pars glandularis of ductus       ependymal cells 116
                  follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) 142,   deferens 292, 293         fibrous astrocytes 117
                        149                           prostate 293, 294–6            microglia 117, 118
                  follicular fluid 308                vesicular glands 292, 293, 294      oligodendrocytes 116, 117, 118
                  follicular rupture 308            of the anal sacs 224             protoplasmic astrocytes 117
                  forestomach, ruminant 207         Brunner’s 220–1                distinguishing microscopic features
                  fovea centralis 367               buccal 182                         of neuroglia 115t
                  fovea retinae 366                 cardiac 201                    peripheral nervous system 118
                  fovea temporalis 367              circumanal 224                   satellite cell 118
                  free cells 62, 71                 compound tubulo-alveolar 292, 337      Schwann cell 118
                  free G-actin (globular actin) 17    duodenal 224               glioblasts 381
                  free immune cells 195             endocrine 50-1               globular actin (free G-actin) 17
                  free nerve endings 103, 179, 185, 188,     exocrine 51-61      globular polypeptide tubulin 18
                        299, 319, 334, 335, 347     external acoustic meatus 345  glomerular capillaries 260
                  fructose 292                      glands associated with the intestine  glomerular filtrate 267
                  FSH see follicle-stimulating hormone      gall bladder 235–6   glomerular filtration apparatus 267
                  functional barrier 116             liver 226–35                glomerulus 264-5
                  functional nuclear growth 23       pancreas 236–8              glomus 129
                  fundus oculi (chicken) 360        gustatory 351                glucagon 177
                  fungiform papillae 185            Harderian 371                gluconeogenesis 13
                  funiculi 384                      intestinal 219, 221          glycocalyx (cell coat) 1, 3, 32, 33, 218
                                                    isolated mixed 182           glycogen 8, 21
                  G cells 219                       lateral nasal 241            glycogen granules 8
                  G  phase 27                       maxillary 192–3              glycolipids 2
                  G  phase 27                       mixed 182, 187, 192          glycoprotein receptors 290
                  G  phase 28                       mixed bronchial 249          glycoprotein-rich membrane 378
                  gall bladder 235–6                monocellular 218             goblet cells 51, 218–19, 221, 236, 246
                    chicken 238                     mucous 182, 197              Golgi apparatus 13–14, 66, 99, 106,
                  GALT see gut-associated lymphoid     mucous tubulo-acinar 273        231–2
                        tissue                      non-branching tubular intestinal 217  Golgi cells 385–6
                  ganglia 388                       oesophageal 196              Golgi phase 281
                  ganglion cell layer 363           proper gastric glands 201    Golgi tendon organ 349
                  gap junction 36, 102, 107, 218, 234    pyloric 204, 206, 213   Golgi type I neurons 106
                  gas exchange interface 252–5      sebaceous 224, 332           Golgi type II neurons 106
                    alveolar ducts 252              serous 58, 182, 191          gonadotropes 165
                    alveolar sacs 252               sweat 331–2                  gonadotropins 320
                    alveoli 252–5                   tarsal 371                   Grandry corpuscles 183
                      blood-air barrier 255         tracheal 247                 granule cell layer 385–6
                    respiratory bronchioles 252     tubular 194, 211, 322        granules 219
                  gastric groove lips 201           tubular utero-vaginal sperm host   granulocytes 65, 137
                  gastric juice 206                     323                      granulomere 145
                    regulation of production 206    tubulo-acinar anal 224       granulopoiesis 137–8
                      cephalic phase 206            tubulo-acinar serous 185     granulosa cells 306
                      gastric phase 206             tubulo-acinar olfactory 353  granulosa luteal cells 310
                      intestinal phase 206          uropygial 345                grey matter 381–4
                  gastric mucosa 199, 205, 211      vestibular 319               grit 212
                  gastric mucus 206               glandulae submucosae 220–1     growth factors 135
                  gastric pits 199                glandular epithelium 47–61     growth hormone-inhibiting hormone
                  gastrin 219                       endocrine glands 50–1              (GHIH) 165
                  gastrin cell 205                  exocrine glands 51–61        growth hormone-releasing hormone
                  gastroenteropancreatic (GEP)        chemical composition of          (GHRH) 165
                        endocrine system 203, 219       secretion 56–60          growth-inhibiting factor 177
                  gelsolin 17                        extra-epithelial 52–6       gums (gingiva) 180

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