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402  Index

                   endocrine cells 174, 178, 203, 219  epithelial cells 37, 216, 236, 239, 249,   eyelashes 371    individual 161               epithelial hair bulb 333          third 371–2
                                                                                  eyelids 370–1
                     clusters 161
                                                   epithelial root sheath 333, 334
                                                                                      lacrimal apparatus 372
                   endocrine G cells 201, 206
                   endocrine glands 41, 50–1, 161
                                                                                        370, 371
                                                     glandular epithelium 47–61
                   endocrine pancreas 236, 238     epithelial tissue 39–61            species variation 372tarsal plate
                   endocrine system 161–78             surface epithelium, multi-layered     upper and lower 370–1
                     additional endocrine cells 178      (stratified) 44-7            species variation 371
                     adrenal gland 171–5               cuboidal or columnar 45        tarsal plate 371
                       adrenal cortex 172–4           squamous 45–7
                       adrenal medulla 174–5          keratinised 46–7            F actin 98
                       species variation 171          non-keratinised 45–6        facies oropharyngica 183
                     enteroendocrine system 177–8     transitional 47             fascin 17, 33
                     hypothalamo-hypophyseal system     surface epithelium, single-layered   feathers 343–5
                         161–6                           (simple) 41-4              modified contour 373
                       hypophysis cerebri 163–5       pseudostratified 44           structure 345
                      hypothalamus 162                 simple columnare 43–4          internal and external vexillum
                      neurohypophysis 165–6            simple cuboidal 43               345
                     pancreatic islets 176–7           simple squamous 41–3          shaft 345
                     paraganglia 175–6               histogenesis 41              female reproductive system 301–23
                     parathyroid gland 170–1       epitheliocytus superficialis gastricus     oestrous cycle 319–20
                     pineal gland 166–7                  199                          changes in uterus 320
                       species variation 167       epithelioid cells 307              cyclic changes in ovary 320
                     thyroid gland 167–70          EPO see erythropoietin             hormonal effects on uterine tubes
                       species variation 170       equatorial segment 282               320
                      structure 168–70             erectile tissue 298              ovary 301–12
                   endocrinocytus somatotropicus 164  ergastoplasm 12                 species variation 302, 305, 309,
                   endocytosis                     erythrocytes 135, 136–7              311
                     phagocytosis 6–7              erythropoietin (EPO) 134–5, 136     structure 302–12
                     pinocytosis 6                 euchromatin 25                   oviduct of birds 321–3
                     receptor-mediated endocytosis 6  eukaryotic cells, animal 23     structure 321–3
                   endogenous cellular inclusions 21, 22  excretion 5               uterine tube 312–14
                   endogenous pigments 9           excretory duct system 294         structure 313–14
                   endolymph 375, 379              exocrine chief cells 203         uterus 314–18
                   endometrium 315–16              exocrine glands (glandulae exocrinae)       species variation 316
                   endomitosis 30                        51–6                        structure 315–18
                   endomysium 99                     extra-epithelial 52–6          vagina 318
                   endoneurium 114                     mode of secretion 53–6         species variation 318
                   endoplasmic reticulum 29, 99        shape of secretory unit 53     structure 318
                   endosomes 8                         structure of ducts 53        vulva 319
                   endotendineum 75                  intra-epithelial 51–2            species variation 319
                   endothelial cells 229, 265      exocrine pancreas 236, 238     fertilisation 30, 312–13, 322
                   endothelial tube 131            exocytosis 14                  fibres of autonomic conduction system
                   endothelium 41, 125, 127        exogenous cellular inclusions 21, 22  130
                   energy balance 210              external circumferential lamellae 87  fibrin 134
                   enterochromaffin 246            external elastic membrane 125, 126  fibrinogen 134
                   enterochromaffin cell (EC cells) 177,   external epithelial root sheath 334  fibroblasts 62–3, 65, 75
                         219                       external limiting membrane 364  fibrocartilage 77, 79–80
                   enterocytes 218                 extracellular fluid of connective tissue   fibrocytes 63
                   enteroendocrine system 177–8          130                      fibrous lamina 24
                   eosinopenia 140                 extraglomerular mesangial cells 273  fibrous tunic 353–4
                   eosinophil 138, 139–40          eye 353–72                       cornea 354
                   eosinophilia 140                  accessory organs 370–2         sclera 354
                   epicardium 130                     eyelids 370–2                 species variation 354–5
                   epidermal hoof capsule 342          lacrimal apparatus 372     fila olfactoria 352
                   epidermal modification 342          species variation 370, 371, 372  filaggrins 326
                   epidermis 324, 325–8, 330, 344    bulb 353–70                  filament-matrix complex 326
                   epididymal duct 278, 290            fibrous tunic 353          filamentous actin (polymerised F-actin)
                   epididymis 277-8, 288               internal structures 368–70       17
                     of birds 290                      neural tunic 358–68        filiform papillae 185
                     schematic representation 278      species variation 354–5, 356,   filtration slit diaphragm 267
                   epiglottis 245–6                      357–8, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372  fimbriae 322
                   epimysium 99                       structure 353–5             fimbrin 17
                   epitendineum 75                     vascular tunic 355–8       flagellum 282

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