Page 418 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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400  Index

                     spinal cord 382–5               lymph vessels 130–3            histological features 240      white matter 384–5             lymph capillaries 131          nasal cavity 240, 241–4
                                                                                      larynx 240, 244–6
                       grey matter 382–4
                                                       collecting ducts 132
                                                                                     nasopharynx 240
                                                       lymph heart of birds 132–3
                   central vein 227, 230
                   central visual pathways 353
                                                         birds 133
                   centro-acinar cells 238             lymphoreticular formation of       olfactory region 240
                                                                                      respiratory region 240
                   centrocytes 153                   schematic representation 120f      trachea 240, 246–8
                   centromere 28                   circumanal glands 224            lung (bronchi, bronchioles) 248–51
                   cerebellar cortex 385           cis side, Golgi apparatus 13–14    pharynx 244
                   cerebellum 385                  Clara cells 251                  segments 241
                     granule cell layer 385–6      classic lobules 228–9            structure 239, 241
                     molecular layer 385           clathrin 5                       vomeronasal organ 244
                     Purkinje cell layer 385         clathrin-independent 6       cones 363, 364
                     schematic 386f                claw 342–3                     conical papillae 185, 209
                   cerebrospinal fluid 389         clear zone (sealing zone) 83   conjunctiva 371
                   cerebrospinal nervous system 381  cleavage furrow 29             immune function 371
                   cerebrum 386–8                  clitoris 319                   conjunctival glands 371
                     cerebral cortex 386–8         cloaca 225–6                     deep 371
                     cerebral white matter 388       chicken 225                    superficial 371
                   cervix 314, 317–18, 320           external opening 226         conjunctival sac 372
                   chalazae 322                    cloacal bursa 160, 225         connective tissue (dermal) papilla 333
                   channel proteins 4, 5, 36       CNS see central nervous system  connective tissue (dermal) sheath 333
                   cheek 182                       coated pits 6                  connective tissue membrane 247
                   chemical synapses 107, 108      coated vesicles 5, 6           connective tissue septa 277
                     function 109                  cochlea 376, 379               connective tissue structure 62–76
                     structure 108                 cochlear window 374              cells 62–5
                   chemoreceptor 272, 349, 351     cochlear duct 377–8, 378, 380     resident 62–4
                   chemotactic factors 64          cochlear ganglion 380             transient 64–5
                   chemotaxis 139                  colcemid 18                      intercellular matrix 65–9
                   chiasmata 30                    colchicine 18                      collagen fibres 65–6
                   chief cell 201, 203             cold receptors 349                 elastic fibres 68
                   chondroblasts 62–3              collagen fibres 65-6, 78, 130, 189, 194–5      ground substance 69
                   cholecystokinin (CCK) 219       collecting duct system 262–3, 272, 296       reticular fibres 67–8
                   cholinergic receptors 94        colon 223                      connective tissue types
                   chondroblasts 77                colony-stimulating factors (CSF) 134    adipose 71–2
                   chondroclasts 89                columella 374                      pluri- or multilocular 72, 73
                   chondrocytes 77                   shaft 374                        unilocular 72, 73
                   chondrons (or territories) 77   columnae verticales 211           irregular 74–5
                   choroid 355                     common integument 324–46          regular 75
                   choroid plexus 389                skin of birds 343–6            embryonic 69–70
                   choriocapillary layer 355           feathered body regions 345    haemoreticular 71
                   chromaffin cells 174, 175          featherless 344–5             lymphoreticular 71
                   chromatid pairs 30                skin as immunological barrier 335–6    proper 72, 74
                   chromatin 25                      skin modifications 336–43       dense 74-6
                   chromophilic cells 163–5            digital organs and horn 340–3     loose 74
                   chromophobic cells 163              mammary gland 336–40         reticular 71
                   chromosomes 25                    skin as organ of thermoregulation   connexons 36
                     longitudinal separation 28, 29      332–5                    contractile units of muscle 98
                     ordered movement of 29            hair and hair follicles 333–5  convoluted seminiferous tubules 277,
                   chylomicrons 131, 214               vessels of skin 332–3            286, 287
                   cilia (kinocilia) 20, 33          skin as protective organ 325–32    spermatogenesis 280–4
                   ciliary body 355, 355–6            dermis 328–30                   cyclic events 283–4
                   ciliary dynein 33                  epidermis 325–8                spermatocytogenesis 280
                   ciliary muscle 356                 hypodermis 330–1               spermiogenesis 280–3
                   ciliary processes 356              pigmentation 332              spermatogenic cells 277, 280
                   ciliated cells 314                  skin glands 324, 331–2       sustentacular cells 284–6
                   ciliated epithelium 250           skin as sensory organ 335       functions 285–6
                   ciliated pseudostratified epithelium 246    structure of skin 324–5  coprodeum 225
                   cilioscleral sinus 356, 370     communicating junctions 36     cornea 353, 354, 359
                   circulatory system 119–33, 286  compartmentation 1             corneal accommodation 356
                     cardiovascular system 119–30  compound glands 52, 53         corneal transparency 354
                       blood vessels 122–9         compound tubulo-alveolar glands 292,   corona radialis 356
                      capillaries 119–22                 337                      corona radiata 306, 307, 308
                      heart 129–30                 conducting airways 239–52      corpus albicans 309, 311, 320

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