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408  Index

                     energy supply and axonal transport   non-collagenous proteins 81–2  osteoclast 81, 83–4, 87, 171    nerve fibre 109–13           non-keratinised stratified squamous   osteoprogenitor cells 82
                                                   non-glandular mucosa 184, 194, 198,
                                                                                  osteocyte 81, 83, 87
                                                         207, 209, 210, 245
                       generation and conduction of
                                                                                  ostia canaliculi lacrimalis 372
                         nerve stimuli 113
                                                         epithelium 319
                                                                                  ostium pyloricum 213
                      myelinated 110–13            non-membranous organelles 1    ostium ductus deferentis 292
                      unmyelinated 113             non-secretory stem cells 163   otolithic membrane 375
                     nerves 113–14                 noradrenaline 174              outer dense fibres 283
                       nervous tissue investments 114  noradrenaline-secreting cells 174  outer plexiform layer 363
                       regeneration of nervous tissue   nuchal ligament 75        ovarian follicle 302–8
                         114                       nuclear bag fibres 349             mature 303, 307–8
                     neuronal structure 106–7      nuclear bases 214                  follicular atresia 308
                      perikaryon 106–7             nuclear chain fibres 349         ovulation 308
                      process 107                  nuclear lamina 24                primary 303
                     synapse 107–9                 nuclear pleomorphism 71          primordial 302–3
                       chemical function 109       nuclear pore complex 24           schematic 305f
                       chemical structure 108      nuclear pores 24                 secondary 303, 305–6
                      neuromuscular 109            nucleolonema 26                   schematic 305f
                   nerve endings 335               nucleolus 26                     species variation 305, 309, 311
                   nerve fibre layer 363           nucleoplasm 23                   tertiary 303, 306–7
                   nerve tracts 381                nucleosome 25                     schematic 305f
                   nervous system 381–91           nucleus 22-6                   ovary 301–12
                     central nervous system 381–8  nucleus of synthesis 23          cortex 302–11
                      cerebellum 385–8                                                corpus luteum 309–11
                       spinal cord 382–5           oedema 116                         ovarian follicle 302–8
                     divisions 381                 oesophageal glands 196           medulla 311–12
                      autonomic 381                oesophagus 195–7                 ovary of birds 311–12
                      somatic 381                    comparative structure schematic      oogenesis 312
                     meninges 389                        194f                       species variation 302, 305, 309, 311
                      leptomeninges 389              species variation 197          structure 302–12
                      pachymeninx 389              oestrogen 309, 312, 320, 339   oviduct of birds 225, 321–3
                     peripheral 388–9              oestrous cycle 319–20            structure 321–3
                       sensory ganglia 388–9         cyclic changes in ovary 320     infundibulum 322
                       autonomous ganglia 389        cyclic changes in uterus 320     isthmus 323
                     ventricles 389–90               hormonal effects on uterine tubes      magnum 322–3
                   nervous tissue 103–18                 320                         schematic 321
                     glial cells 114–18            olfactory epithelium 351          uterus 323
                       central nervous system 116–18  olfactory glands 243           vagina 323
                       peripheral nervous system 118  olfactory mucosa 239, 242, 244, 351  oxidative enzymes 10
                   neural crest 171                olfactory organs 351–3         oxidative phosphorylation 14, 15
                   neuraminidase 283               olfactory region 240           oxyphilic cells 171
                   neuroblasts 381                 oligodendrocyte 112, 118, 382  oxyphilic erythroblast 136
                   neuroectoderm 171               omasal leaves 210              oxytocin 309
                   neurofilaments 21, 107          omaso-abomasal junction 210
                   neurogenic contraction 94       oocytes 302, 307–8, 308        pachymeninx 389
                   neuroglia 115                     primary 308                  Pacinian corpuscles 349
                   neurohypophysis 161, 163, 165–6    secondary 308               pain receptors 347, 349
                   neuromuscular junction 99, 109, 111  oogenesis 312–13          palate 182–3
                   neuronal microtubules 107       oogonia 302, 312                 hard 182–3
                   neurons 21, 103, 361, 381, 385  optic nerve 353, 367–8           soft 183
                     dendritic portion 388           species variation (birds) 368      facies arcus veli palatini 183
                   neuropil 382                    ora serrata 360                    facies oropharyngica 183
                   neurosensory cells 243, 351     oral cavity 153                   nasopharynx 183
                   neurosensory retina 361–4       organ of Corti 376                oropharynx 183
                     schematic 362f                organum paratympanicum 374       species variation (birds) 183
                   neurotransmitter 14, 99, 108, 109  oropharyngeal mucosa 193       beak 183
                     activity 116                  oropharynx 183, 244                bill tip 183
                     inactivation 109              orthochromatophilic erythroblast 136      Grandry corpuscles 183
                     released into synaptic cleft 109  osseous labyrinth 375, 379      Herbst corpuscles 183
                   neurotubules 107                osseous spiral shelf 376           horny sheath 183
                   nexus (gap junction) 36, 199, 218, 234  osteoblast-like cells 82     lamellae 183
                   Nissl substance 107             osteoblasts 62–3, 81–2             tip organ 183
                   nodal (pacemaker) cells 130       active 82                        touch papillae 183
                   node of Ranvier 112               resting 82                   palpebral conjunctiva 371

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