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Index  413

                    dental pulp 189                   proximal convoluted tubule       pelvic portion 296    enamel 187–8                    proximal straight tubule 270  urinary passages 273–5
                                                                                     penile portion 296
                    dentin 188–9
                                                      thin limb of loop of Henle 271–2
                                                                                   bladder 274–5
                    neck 187
                    pulp cavity 187
                                                  tubulo-acinar anal glands 224
                    root 187                      tubuli seminiferi recti 287        species variation 275
                                                                                   renal pelvis 273
                    structure schematic 188f      tubulo-acinar olfactory glands 353      species variation 273, 273–4
                  touch papillae 183              tubulo-acinar serous glands 185, 242     ureter 273–4
                  touch receptors 348             tubulobulbar complexes 286       urethra 275
                  trabeculae (spongy) bone 87, 154  tubulovesicular system 8, 173, 203, 206     female 275
                  trabecular arteries 159         tunica adventitia 125, 126, 129, 193,      male 275
                  trabecular veins 159                  197, 209, 235, 236, 273, 292,       species variation 275
                  trachea 240, 246–8                    318                      urinary pole 267
                    species variation (birds) 247–8  tunica albuginea 276, 287, 302  urinary space 267
                  tracheal glands 247             tunica intima 126              urinary system 258–75
                  tracheal mucosa 247             tunica media 125, 127            kidney 258–73
                  tracheal trunk 132              tunica mucosa 179, 193, 199, 201, 211,       collecting duct system 272
                  trans side, Golgi apparatus 14        214, 216–20, 221, 235, 313, 314,      juxtaglomerular apparatus
                  transcellular pathway 35, 129–30      318                            272–3
                  transcription 23                  of the small intestine 214       macroscopic structure 258–60
                  transient endocrine gland 309       innate and adaptive protective       microscopic structure of nephron
                  transitional cells 130, 171           mechanisms 220                 and collecting duct system
                  transitional epithelium 47, 273, 274,       lamina muscularis mucosae 220  262–7
                        294, 296, 297                 lamina propria mucosae 219–20      renal corpuscle and ultrafiltration
                  translation 23                        species variation (birds) 220  263-267
                  transmembrane proteins 37           mucosal epithelium 216–19      tubules of nephron 267–72
                  transport epithelium 122            endocrine cells 219            vascular supply and innervation
                  transverse ridges 182               enterocytes 218                  260–2
                  transverse tubular system (T system)       goblet cells 218–19    urinary passages 273–5
                        95–6                          Paneth cells 219tunica        bladder 274–5
                  tree of life 385                      muscularis 179, 180, 193, 197,       renal pelvis 273
                  tri-iodothyronine 167                 201, 207, 209, 210, 212, 220,      ureter 273–4
                  triple (super) helices 66             221, 223, 224, 235, 274, 275,      urethra 275
                  tropic hormones 163                   291, 313, 314, 318       urine 297
                  tropocollagen 66                tunica serosa 193, 197, 201, 207, 209,   urine concentration 272
                  tropomyosin 17, 92, 98                220, 235, 236, 273, 292, 313,   urodeum 225, 274
                  troponin-tropomyosin system 98        314, 317, 318            uropygial gland 345
                  TSH see thyroid-stimulating hormone  tunica vaginalis 276      uropygial papilla 345
                  TSH cells 165                   tunica vasculosa 277           uterine horns 314
                  tubular digestive organs 193–225  tympanic cavity 374          uterine milk 320
                    structure 193–5               tympanic membrane 373          uterine tube 301, 312–14
                      tela submucosa 194–5          secondary 374                  structure 313–14
                      tunica adventitia 195       tympanic region 378                tela subserosa 313, 314
                      tunica mucosa 194           tympanum 248                       tunica mucosa 313, 314
                      tunica muscularis 195       type I collagen 67, 81             tunica muscularis 313, 314
                      tunica serosa 195           type I (squamous) alveolar epithelial       tunica serosa 313, 314
                  tubular epithelium 286                cells 252, 255           uterus 314–18
                  tubular fluid 286               type II alveolar epithelial cells 255    birds 323
                  tubular gastric glands 200, 201  type II collagen 67, 78         cervix 317–18
                  tubular glands 194, 211, 322    type III collagen 67               species variation 318
                    in lamina propria 211         type IV collagen 37, 67          structure 315–17
                  tubular horn 340, 342, 343                                        endometrium 315–16
                  tubular infoldings of the cell   ultraviolet light 365            myometrium 316–17
                        membrane 269              undifferentiated epithelial cells 217     perimetrium 317
                  tubular lumen 234, 267          undifferentiated pluripotent stem cell   utriculus 375–6, 379
                  tubular mitochondria 277              135
                  tubular utero-vaginal sperm host   unguicular process 342      vacuoles 7
                        glands 323                uniaxially birefringent 78     vagal fibre bundles 130
                  tubules                         unitary smooth muscle 94       vagina 318
                    nephron 267–72                unmyelinated fibres 110          birds 323
                      distal convoluted tubule 272  ureter 258, 268, 273, 274      structure 318
                      distal straight tubule 272  urethra 275, 296–7                 species variation 318
                      distinguishing structural features     female 275              tunica adventitia 318
                        268t                        male 275                         tunica mucosa 318

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