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410  Index

                   proper gastric (fundic) glands 201–6    eye 353–72                bronchioles 250–1        neck (cervix) cells 201, 203     bulb 353–70                nasal vestibule 241
                                                                                    nasal cavity 241–4
                                                       accessory organs 370–2
                     body and fundus
                                                                                      olfactory region 242–4
                                                     gustatory organs 349–51
                       isthmus 201–2
                   propionic acid 210
                                                                                    paranasal sinuses 244
                   prostaglandins 64, 273, 311         taste buds 349–51              respiratory region 241–2
                                                     olfactory organs 351–3
                   protein 4.1/protein 4.9 17        proprioceptors 349             pharynx 244
                   protein biosynthetic pathway 8      Golgi tendon organ 349       trachea 246–8
                   protein cylinders 17                muscle spindle 349           vomeronasal organ 244
                   protein filaments 84            rectum 223                     rete capillare glomerulare 265
                   protein synthesis 11, 285       red blood cells (erythrocytes) 136–7  rete testis 277
                   proteins, breakdown of 214        development 136              reticular cells 71, 156, 209
                   proteoglycans 38                  species variation            reticular connective tissue 71
                   protofilaments 18                   birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish   reticular crests 209
                   proton pump 9, 206                    136                      reticular fibres 67
                   proximal centriole 282             mammals 136                 reticular layer of dermis 328, 330
                   proximal convoluted tubule 268–70  red bone marrow 134, 135    reticuloendothelial system 143
                   proximal straight tubule 270    red pulp 157                   reticulum 209
                   proximal tubule 267             red pulp veins 159             reticulum trabeculare 356
                   proximal umbilicus 345          regulatory T cells 147         retina
                   pseudo-unipolar neurons 388–9   releasing hormones (RH) 161      central artery 364
                   pseudopodia 143                 renal artery 260                 central layers 364
                   pseudostratified columnar epithelium   renal corpuscle 262–4     neurosensory 361–4
                         242, 288, 296               schematic 263                   birds 365–7
                   pseudostratified columnar glandular   renal cortex 263            schematic 362f
                         epithelium 292            renal fat 71                     nutritional support 364
                   pseudostratified epithelium 44  renal interstitium 258           schematic 363f
                   osteoprogenitor cells 81        renal lobes 258, 260, 268      retinal pigment epithelium 360, 360–1,
                   PTH see parathyroid hormone     renal lobules 260                    365
                   pudendal artery 300               schematic (chicken) 261      RH see releasing hormones
                   pulmonary bronchi 255           renal medulla 260, 263         rhodopsin 363, 365–6
                   pulmonary surfactant 255        renal parenchyma 263           ribonucleic acids 15
                   pupil 355, 357                  renal sinus 258                ribosomes 10, 12, 66, 99
                   Purkinje cells 106, 130, 385    renal vein 260                   structure 10–11
                   Purkinje fibres 101             renin 273                      rings of hyaline cartilage 247, 248, 250
                   pus formation 139               renin-angiotensin system 272   rods 363
                   pyloric glands 204, 206, 213    reproductive hormones 301      root canal 189
                   pyramidal cells 104, 106        reproductive system see female   rough endoplasmic reticulum 10, 66,
                   pyramidal lobules 277                 reproductive system; male      107, 231
                   pyruvate 15                           reproductive system      Ruffini corpuscles 348–9
                                                   residual bodies 9              ruffled border 83
                   radial glial cells 361, 364     resorption vacuoles 269        rumen 209–10
                   reabsorption of electrolytes and water   respiratory bronchioles 252–5  ruminal microorganisms 210
                         269                       respiratory chain (electron transport
                   receptaculum ductus deferentis 292    chain) 15                S phase 27
                   receptor-mediated transcytosis 120  respiratory epithelium 245, 246, 248,   sacculus 375, 375–6, 379
                   receptors 4, 7, 84                    255                      salivary glands 189–93
                     G-protein coupled receptors 4  respiratory mucosa 239, 244     mandibular 190, 192
                     ionotropic neurotransmitter 4  respiratory parenchyma 248      parotid 190, 191–2
                     metabotropic 109              respiratory region 240           species variation (birds) 192–3
                     mobile 4                      respiratory system 239–57        structure 189–91
                     nicotinic acetylcholine 4       conducting airways 239–52       major 189–90
                     protein tyrosine kinases 4        histological features 240     minor 189
                     specific 103, 139                segments 241                  sublingual 190, 192
                   receptors and sense organs 347–80     structure 239–41         saltatory (discontinuous) conduction
                     ear 372–80                      gas exchange interface 252–7       113
                      external 372–4               alveolar ducts and alveolar sacs 252–5  sarcolemma 95
                      internal 375–80                  respiratory bronchioles 252  sarcoplasm 91, 98, 99, 101
                      middle 374                     bronchial system and gas exchange   sarcoplasmic reticulum 13, 91, 95, 101
                     enteroreceptors 349                 in birds 255–7           sarcosomes 95
                     exteroreceptors 347–9             larynx 244–6               satellite cell 118, 388
                       free nerve endings 347         epiglottis 245–6            scala tympani 380
                       lamellar receptors 349        lung 248–51                  scala vestibuli 377, 380
                       simple receptors 347–9         bronchi 248–50              scents and odours 244

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