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412  Index

                   stratified epithelium 44–7         fibrocartilage 79–80        terminal bouton 108       181, 184, 194, 207, 210, 245,   supportive tissues structure 62–9  terminal cisternae 95
                                                      hyaline 77–9
                   stratified squamous epithelium 179,
                                                                                  terminal bronchi 251
                         275, 325
                                                     cells 62–5
                                                                                  terminal processing 14
                   stratum basale 325
                                                      transient 64–5
                                                                                  testes 276, 278
                   stratum circulare 316              resident 62–4               terminal web 35, 218
                   stratum compactum 344             intercellular matrix 65–9      schematic representation 278f
                   stratum corneum 47, 325, 327        connective tissue fibres 66–8    testis of birds 287–8
                   stratum disjunction 327             ground substance 69        testosterone 277
                   stratum fibrosum 295            suppressor T cells 147         tetraiodothyronine 167
                   stratum germinativum 325        suprachoroid layer 355         theca follicularis 306
                   stratum granulosum 47, 325, 326  suprapapillary 327            theca interna 307
                   stratum laxum 344               surface epithelium 41–4        theca luteal cells 310
                   stratum lucidum 325               classification 49            thermoreceptors 185
                   stratum musculare 295             multi-layered (stratified) 44–7  thermoregulation 72, 324, 332–5
                   stratum musculare longitudinale 317      cuboidal or columnar 45  thick myosin filaments 98
                   stratum spinosum 45, 46–7, 325, 326     squamous 45–7          thin limb of loop of Henle 271–2
                   stratum superficiale 344           transitional 47               ascending 271
                   stretch receptors 349             single-layered 41–4            descending 271
                   striated body 283                  pseudostratified 44         third-order bronchi 256
                   striated duct 190, 191, 192         simple columnare 43–4      thoracic duct 132
                   striated m. retractor phalli 300      simple cuboidal 43       thrombocytes 144
                   striated muscle 94–102, 130, 296, 349      simple squamous 41–3  thrombopoietin 134, 273
                     cardiac muscle 99             surfactant 257                 thrombus 145
                       fine structure 99           sustentacular cells 284–6      thymic involution 152
                       impulse generation and        functions 285–6              thymopoietin I and II 152
                         conduction 102              schematic (bull) 284f        thymosin 152
                     skeletal muscle 94–9          sweat glands 328, 331–2        thymus 142, 149, 150, 151–2
                       connective tissue 99        sympathetic anlage 175           central function 151
                      contraction 98               sympathetic ganglia 175–6        schematic 151f
                       fibre types 99              sympathetic nerve fibres 72, 130, 167  thyroglobulin 168, 170
                       fine structure 95–8         sympathetic paraganglion 171, 175  thyroid gland 167–70
                      innervation 99               sympathetic system 358           C-cells 81
                      microvascular 99             synapse 99, 103, 107–9           follicle 169
                       satellite cells 99            neuromuscular synapse 109      resorption/hormone secreting
                   stroma 74, 276, 354             synaptic end bulb 108, 109           phase 169
                   stromal cells 310               synaptic ribbons 166             species variation 170
                   sub-endothelial layer 126       synaptonemal complexes (zygotene) 30    storage phase 169
                   subacrosomal space 282          syncytium 95                     structure 168–70
                   subcapsular sinus 156           syringeal muscles 248              C cells 170
                   subcutis 324, 330–1                                                follicular cells 169–70
                   subdural neurothelium 389       T cells (T lymphocytes) 64, 140, 142,     synthetic phase 169
                   subepidermal capillary network (dog)   143, 146, 147, 149, 151  thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
                         329                         differentiation of 152             81, 170
                   subepithelial network 131       tanycytes 116                  thyrotropes 165
                   subepithelial venous plexus 332  tapetum cellulosum 355        tight junctions 234
                   subepithelial basement membrane    tapetum fibrosum 355        tissue hormones 214
                         354                       tapetum lucidum 355            tissue macrophages 143
                   subepithelial venous plexus 332  tapetum lucidum choroideae 355  tongue 184–7
                   subglandular layer 201          targeted dispersal 14            body 184
                   sublingual gland 60             tarsal glands 371                innervation and blood supply 186–7
                   sublobular veins 227            tarsal plate 371                 lingual papillae 184
                   subarachnoid space 389          taste buds 185, 349–51            gustatory 185–6
                   substantia propria corneae 354  tear drainage 372                 mechanical 185
                   support (type II) cells 175     teat canal 340                   lyssa 184
                   supporting cells 350, 352–3, 376  teat sinus 339–40              species variation 184
                   supportive tissue types 76–90   tegmentum vasculosum 380       tonofilaments 21, 326
                     bones 80–90                   tela subendocardialis 130      tonsils 140, 153-4, 183, 186
                       bone cells 81–4             tela submucosa 179, 181, 183, 193, 207,   tooth 187–9
                       bone matrix 84–5                  212, 220, 221              attachment apparatus 189
                       new bone formation 87–90    tela subserosa 193, 313, 314       alveolar bone 189
                      types 85–7                   tendinous centre 212              cementum 189
                     cartilage 76–80               tendons 75                         periodontal ligament 189
                      elastic 79                   terminal bar 36                  crown 187

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