Page 188 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 188
160 8 Integrating Training into Animal Husbandry veterinarian, or technician into the training attention is required, the team must take a
close look at an animal’s history and assess
process. All new training approximations can
have some initial regression involved and
leveraging an uncompleted or regressed
should be considered part of the process. A the risk and benefits of breaking that trust by
leader needs to help their teams recognise, trained behaviour to achieve a medical need
accept and push through this aspect of train over restraint or immobilisation.
ing to achieve their goals and complete the Transitioning animals to new facilities or to
behaviour. Support can be given by looking new keepers/aquarists can also be a challeng
ahead to future approximations, discussions ing and stressful time for both the animals
in team meetings, and continual follow‐up. and the people involved. When moving or
A phenomenon that may occur during the taking receipt of an animal, it is sensible to
training process is some team members may make sure you either provide or ask for
feel a strong sense of ownership, of both the records and details of the specificities around
animal they are working with and their how an animal was trained. This type of infor
trained behaviours. This type of feeling can mation can assist the new team with retrain
create significant dysfunction in a team if this ing any behaviours that may have regressed as
team member is more focused on their own a result of the move. Any video of prior train
needs than that of the animal. One way to ing sessions with that animal can also be
curb this behaviour is to ensure that the team extremely helpful to ensure that there is as
continues to refocus the training programme minimal a disruption in animal (and staff)
goals on the needs of the animals, on how learning as possible. Providing as much infor
best they can work to serve the animal, and mation as possible about the animal and its
that what is best will promote good animal historical experiences relating to training
welfare. A team leader will be balancing the (familiar props, etc.) can be very helpful and
promotion of positive human/animal rela serve to lessen the anxiety for all involved.
tionships without allowing unproductive
boundaries to be crossed.
This continual refocus on the training pro 8.6 Facilities
gramme goals can help ensure that, at the
end of the day, animals needing medical Facility design should fit hand in hand with
treatment are trained the behaviours they the goals for the husbandry programme,
need to be treated effectively and efficiently. which can make a big difference in the ability
If animals are in need of urgent medical care, to meet your training goals safely, efficiently,
there may not be time to ‘complete behav or even at all. For example, having large croc
iour’ and behaviours that are in some state of odilians swim through a waterway between
regression might be called upon to ensure enclosures may be a behaviour that takes far
the animal gets the medical care it needs. If less time to train than trying to train them to
an animal is cued for a behaviour before walk across land between enclosures. A
training has been properly completed, or giraffe chute (restraint) that is level with the
cued for a regressed behaviour, additional enclosure floor, rather than one which
regression can occur, and it may be difficult requires the reticulated giraffe (Giraffa retic-
to retrain the desired behaviour according to ulata) to step up into it, may be the differ
the training programme criterion for com ence for some animals moving into the chute
pletion. Whether further regression occurs calmly on a regular basis verses baulking
depends on the behaviour that is required to daily at that step. It is becoming more com
ensure medical care can be given and the mon that when facilities are designed, animal
level of trust between the team member and training requirements are considered during
the animal, working to ensure the behaviour the design process. When facility design is
is performed. When immediate medical done well, animals move through the facility,