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antecedent Environmental events that conditioned taste aversion Refers to when
occur before a behaviour. the subject associates the taste of a certain
antipredator behaviour Mechanisms food with sickness.
developed through evolution that assist continuous reinforcement When every
prey organisms in their constant struggle emitted target behaviour is followed by a
against predators. reinforcer.
aversive conditioning Any stimulus, event, cultural transmission The way a group of
or condition whose termination people or animals within a society or
immediately following a response, culture tend to learn and pass on
increases the frequency of that response. information.
backward conditioning Respondent desensitisation Any form of
conditioning in which the conditioned counterconditioning that reduces an
stimulus follows rather than precedes the inappropriate negative response to an
unconditioned stimulus. event.
classical conditioning The modification differential reinforcement of
of respondent behaviour by stimulus– incompatible behaviour
stimulus contingencies, also referred to (DRI) Reinforcement is provided for one
as Pavlovian or respondent behaviour that is incompatible with
conditioning. another behaviour.
cognitive map A mental representation of discriminative stimulus The events that
one’s physical environment. precede operants and set the occasion for
concept learning A learning task in which behaviour.
a learner is trained to classify objects by establishing operations An environmental
being shown a set of example objects event, operation, or stimulus condition
along with their class labels. that affects an organism by momentarily
conditioned place avoidance A form of altering (a) the reinforcing effectiveness of
Pavlovian conditioning used to measure other events and (b) the frequency of
the motivational effects of objects or occurrence of that part of the organism’s
experiences. repertoire relevant to those events as
conditioned stimuli A stimulus which consequences.
evokes a response or alters some other event marker A signal used to mark
condition of behaviour only because of a desired behaviour at the instant it occurs.
history in which it has been paired with a extinction burst A rapid burst of responses
stimulus (often unconditioned) having the that occur when extinction is first
same effect. implemented.
Zoo Animal Learning and Training, First Edition. Edited by Vicky A. Melfi, Nicole R. Dorey, and Samantha J. Ward.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.