Page 364 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 364
336 Glossary extinction A procedure in which the motivating operations Environmental
variables that alter the effectiveness of
reinforcement of a previously reinforced
behaviour is discontinued.
fixed interval A schedule of intermittent some stimulus, object, or event as a
reinforcer; and alter the current frequency
reinforcement in which the first response of all behaviour that has been reinforced
occurring after a fixed interval of time is by that stimulus, object, or event.
reinforced. negative punishment The removal of a
fixed ratio A schedule of reinforcement in stimulus decreases the target behaviour.
which a fixed number of performances negative reinforcement When a response
(counted from the preceding results in the removal of an event, and the
reinforcement) are required for response rate increases.
reinforcement. observational learning Learning that
forward conditioning A type of motivating occurs through observing the behaviour
operation in which the pairing of two of others. It is a form of social learning
stimuli such that the conditioned stimulus which takes various forms, based on
is presented before the unconditioned various processes.
stimulus. operant conditioning Arranging the
free‐contact The direct handling of an reinforcement of a response possessing
animal when the keeper and the animal specified properties, or, more specifically,
share the same unrestricted space. arranging that a given reinforcer follow
habituation A form of learning in which an the emission of a given response.
organism decreases or ceases its positive punishment A stimulus is added,
responses to a stimulus after repeated or but the rate of the behaviour decreases
prolonged presentations. over time.
imitation An advanced behaviour whereby positive reinforcement A stimulus
an individual observes and replicates following a behaviour is added and
another’s behaviour. increases the likelihood of that behaviour.
imprinting Any kind of phase‐sensitive Premack principle A principle that states
learning that is rapid and apparently that contingent access to high‐frequency
independent of the consequences of behaviours (‘preferred’ activities) serves as
behaviour. a reinforcer for the performance of low‐
intermittent reinforcement Reinforcement frequency behaviours.
that does not follow every response. primary reinforcement Reinforcers that
intervention training The addition or are not dependent on their association
change of several independent variables at with other reinforcers.
the same time to achieve a desired result, protected‐contact The direct handling of
without testing the effect of each variable an animal when the keeper and the animal
individually. do not share the same unrestricted space.
local enhancement The attention of an proximate cause A cause that is close in
individual is drawn to a specific location time or sequence to the thing it is causing.
or situation. rate of reinforcement Reinforcers per unit
magnitude of reinforcement Refers to the time.
quantity, intensity, or duration of the ratio strain A reduction in the rate of a
reinforcer provided for responding. target behaviour and an increase in
mal‐imprinted Suffering from a defect in emotional behaviour resulting from an
the behavioural process of imprinting. increase in the ratio of behaviour to
match‐to‐sample A procedure in which reinforcement.
the choice of a stimulus that matches a reinforcement Any event which maintains
sample stimulus is followed by a or increases the probability of the
reinforcer. response it follows.