Page 369 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Index  341  bridging stimuli  126, 127,   Cheyenne Mountain Zoo     cognitive enrichment
                   128, 135, 136, 156, 157,
                                             120, 129, 136, 137,
                   322, 323
                                             138, 139
                                                                   cognitive reserve hypothesis
             Bristol Zoo Gardens  262   chimpanzees (Pan           cognitive map  244, 335
             Bronx Zoo  213                  troglodytes)  217          44–45
             Brookfield Zoo  212          control given to  122–123  Colombia, legislation  320
             brown bear  138, 142, 173    emulation  25–26         colour vision and
             Burma (Myanmar), semi‐       fission–fusion societies      perception  70
                   captive elephants         219                    fish  243
                   176–190                parent and mate recognition    marine mammals
             bushbaby, Moholi  213           84–85                      203, 205
             bustards, houbara  298–299   positive reinforcement and   primates  218
                                             welfare  211          Columbus Zoo  120, 136
             c                            tool use  20             communication
             Cacatua tenuirostris (long‐  visitor‐related           fish  244–245
                   billed corella)  175      behaviour  174         trainer–animal, two‐way
             Canada, legislation  319   Chlamydotis undulata            124–134
               see also North America        (houbara bustard)     comparative psychology  29
             cane toads and quolls           298–299               complex problem‐solving
                   291–294              Chlorocebus pygerythrus         92–93
             captivity                       (vervet monkeys)  15,   comprehension of current
               reintroduction following see   24, 36, 92, 218           situations (zoo
                   reintroduction       choice (animals having)         professional)  311,
               survival behaviours lost in     274–277                  312, 312
                   37–41                Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical   concept learning  335
             capuchin monkeys  6, 21, 87,    Gardens  265          conditioned punishers  54
                   105, 174             classical (Pavlovian)      conditioned reinforcer  54
               tufted (Sapajus apella)       conditioning          conditioned stimuli see
                   20–21, 87                 5–7, 335                   stimulus
             carnivores see predators     human–animal interactions   conditioning
             cats                            and  172               aversive see aversive stimuli
               big  263                   wild animals  15–17           and conditioning
               blackfooted  43–44       clickers  7, 126–127, 128, 323  backward  16, 335
             cephalopod colour          climate and reptiles  223   classical see classical
                   blindness  70        coaching trainers  155          conditioning
             Cercopithecus wolfi (Wolf’s   cognition (cognitive abilities)  forward  16, 336
                   guenon)  128           aging and  44, 111        operant/instrumental see
             cetaceans  25, 90, 203, 206  birds  235–238                operant conditioning
             cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)     elephants  191–196      place avoidance  294, 335
                   22, 110, 290           fish  243                 wild animals  15–19
               running, presentation  265  learning opportunities   cones (retina)  70
               teaching cubs hunting         leading to enhancement   conflict, human–animal  16
                   skills  290               of  44–46             consciousness  273, 274
             chemical signalling and      marine mammals  203–209  consequences of behaviour
                   chemical sensation/    physical see physical         53–54, 140
                   chemosensation  296,      cognition              future behaviour driven by
                   297, 303               social see social cognition   131–132
               fish  244, 296             spatial see spatial learning/  misuse and challenges
               see also olfaction; taste     knowledge/cognition        56–58
             Chester Zoo  256, 260        wild animals  15–34       using  56
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