Page 371 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Index  343  elephants (Loxodonta africana   perception (by zoo   feeding
                                             professional) of the
                                                                    marine mammals  199–200
                   and Elephas maximus)
                                                                    by visitors  174
               cognition  191–196            elements in the        reintroduction and  39–40
               food finding  90, 93       set up for success  64   Felis nigripes (black‐footed
               foot care  151, 184        training and influence of     cats)  43–44
               future research directions     123–124              filial imprinting  84
                   193–194              episodic‐like memory,      fish  239–246
               human interactions with       birds  236             chemical signalling
                   187–190              Equus quagga and E. burchelli   244, 296
               husbandry  183, 187, 323      (zebra)  3, 19, 86,    cognition  243
               positive reinforcement        146, 152               tool use  21
                   183, 184, 188        establishing operations     training  239–242
               semi‐captive, in Myanmar      119, 335               worldwide presentations
                   176–190              ethics  61–63, 64, 272–273      and performances
               sensory abilities  107, 109,   fish  242                 253
                   191–192              ethnicity, elephants       fission–fusion societies  219
               sociability in adult life     discriminating        fixation (zoo professional)
                   87–88                     between  191               313
               tool use  21             ethology  29, 35, 337      fixed interval  10, 336
               training  183–186        Europe                     fixed ratio  10, 336
               working  187–189           legislation  320         flexibility, trainer
             embryonic learning  83–84    presentations and             demonstrating  140
             emotions (animal’s)  173        performances  253     flexible learning, birds  235
               learning opportunity     event markers  126–128,    flight/flying  121–122, 125,
                   effects  48               323, 335                   131, 233
               training and  58           sharpening skills and  156  free flight  129, 256–257,
             emotions (zoo              experience                      258, 264–265
                   professional’s)  315   learning by  3–4         flow phenomenon (state of
             employees see staff          life see life experience      flow)  48
             employers’ responsibilities     professional’s  314   fluency (behavioural)  129,
                   310                  expert trainers  126,           130–131
             empowerment  124, 140, 141      139–140, 156          flying see flight
             emulation  25, 26, 236       see also mastery         food (nutrients)  88–90,
             encounter (visitor)  252, 263  expert witnesses  309–310   109–110
               definition/uses/         exploration  90–91          anticipatory behaviour
                   terminology  251     extinction  64, 336             107, 256
             enculturation, apes  30, 219  extinction burst  11, 335  baiting/luring with food
             end of session cue  133–134  extroverts  147               129
             Enhydra lutris (sea otters)     eye see vision         begging  88, 174
                   21, 203                                          cane toads as toxic food for
             entertainment  250, 252,   f                               quolls  291–294
                   254–255              facilities  160–163         embryo and later
             environment                falconry  56                    preferences for  84
               enrichment  41–48,       familiar people  167–168,   environmental enrichment
                   101–118                   168, 170–171, 177, 240     and  102, 105, 107,
                 categories  102–103    fathead minnows  296            109–110, 111
                 complex problem solving   fear responses  92, 138,   finding  88–90
                   and  93                   297, 303                 elephants  90, 93
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